All1Tool - Giao diện mới


Jun 8, 2013
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Sau fix .
Còn 1 số site tool ko vào đc
Nten : nghi vấn hack Cam sành OK OK OK site dow OK
. Aurora: invest OK
.Incentive : Click thử 22 =>23h thử được ko? Web yếu
. PTCEvolution : OK OK
Custom : Chạy lại lần nữa =>OK OK nghi vấn hack Cam sành OK OK OK site dow OK
. Aurora: invest OK
.Incentive : Click thử 22 =>23h thử được ko? Web yếu
. PTCEvolution : OK OK
Custom : Chạy lại lần nữa =>OK OK Chạy lại lần nữa =>OK ( nhiều lần rồi . ko có gì thay đổi ) > Inner Error
Tks nhé :)
Mình nghĩ là để plugin cho ai giỏi code viết, rồi share cho anh em luôn, sau đó cậu update luôn cho anh em chứ nhiều người có biết code đâu :D

Mình cố gắng giúp người viết plugin viết một cách dễ dàng nhất, và nhanh nhất ko cần pro :D. Chỉ cần biết cơ bản C#,VB là được.


May 15, 2012
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mấy site custom có traffic exchange nên viết để cho click traffic exchange luôn nha, vì cái này cũng quan trọng lắm đó


Apr 11, 2013
mong là cái plugin ko quá khó đối với em @@! có học sơ sơ 1 tý về VB, còn C# thì chịu. Khi nào có h,dẫn chắc phải tự mò mẫm 1 tý vậy nhỉ.
mong là cái plugin ko quá khó đối với em @@! có học sơ sơ 1 tý về VB, còn C# thì chịu. Khi nào có h,dẫn chắc phải tự mò mẫm 1 tý vậy nhỉ.

Dưới đây là code để chạy thằng Prom247, viết trên plugin mà mình đang test . Comments thì nhiều, nhưng mã code chắc không nhiều lắm. Bạn xem thử xem. :D Code C#.

Auto cho các phần: Đăng nhập, kiếm ads, xem ads, và lấy số tiền.

using AutoManager.Commons;
using AutoManager.Recognition.Russ;
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace AutoManager.Plugins
	class Prom247PluginScript : All1PluginScript
		private Queue<string> _linkQueue;
		public override string[] SiteNames
			get { return new string[] { "" }; }
		public override All1ActionResult Begin(object arg)
			// Get Login page
			//Get captcha image
			Bitmap bm = Client.GetBitmap("image2.php?$res");
			//Wait inputing Captcha from user and move to method SubmitLogin to handle next step 
			return new All1WaitTextCaptResult { Image = bm, NextMethod = SubmitLogin, };
		private All1ActionResult SubmitLogin(object arg)
			// store information for logging in
			Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
			dic.Add("logusername", Username);
			dic.Add("logpassword", Password);
			//at this state, CaptchaResultStr stores value of user input
			dic.Add("code", CaptchaResultStr);
			Client.PostRequest("login.php", dic);
			//if not contain logout link-> not login, stop
			if (!Client.ResponseStr.Contains(""))
				return new All1StopingResult { Reason = "LoginFailed" };
			//go to main ad page
			// site requires selecting stars in order to show ads
			if (Client.ResponseStr.Contains("specify the number of stars in the picture"))
				Bitmap captchaBm = Client.GetBitmap("image.php?Array");
				//I use my library to by pass the captcha, you can create on your own.
				int result = ColorStarRecognizer.Recognize(captchaBm);
				Client.PostRequest("sites.php", "code=" + result, Client.ResponseFullUrl);
				//assume it's ok :D
				//get  again
			//Search all ad links from this page using XPath, do google to know about XPath in case you have no ideal about XPath.
			//Search all links start with /adview
			// we use Agility library to parse Html string into Node (DOM Tree).
			HtmlNodeCollection nodes = Client.ResponseDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[starts-with(@href,'/adview')]");
			// store all links in this queue
			_linkQueue = new Queue<string>();
			if (nodes != null)
				foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes)
					//make sure that's not cheat ad, we have to get all texts from that ad
					if (!IsCheatLink(node.ParentNode.InnerText))
					{ //it's ok now, add into queue
						string url = node.Attributes["href"].Value;
			//ok now we move to next method which handles watching ad.
			return new All1NextMethodResult { NextMethod = ProcessAdPage };
		private All1ActionResult ProcessAdPage(object arg)
			//check if we have any ads in the queue, if it's empty, move to end method
			if (_linkQueue.Count <= 0)
				return new All1NextMethodResult { NextMethod = End };
			// get the next item in queue, but still keep it in queue
			string currentAdLink = _linkQueue.Peek();
			//load page from that link
			Client.GetRequest(currentAdLink, "sites.php");
			//continue to load page
			Client.GetRequest("vls.php", Client.ResponseFullUrl);
			//timer is stored in tag 
			HtmlNode timerNode = Client.ResponseDoc.GetElementbyId("sfbtimer");
			int timer = int.Parse(timerNode.InnerText);
			//Waiting ad as required, after waiting ad, it will call to next method
			return new All1WaitingAdResult
				WaitingTime = timer,
				NextMethod = (o) =>
					//those codes below are got from the flow of the page
					// process captcha, and get value
					Bitmap captchaImage = Client.GetBitmap("image.php?Resource id #5", Client.ResponseFullUrl);
					int result = ColorStarRecognizer.Recognize(captchaImage);
					Client.PostRequest("vls.php?view=ok&ds=clicked", "code=" + result, Client.ResponseFullUrl);
					//assum it's ok :D
					//continue to call this method
					return new All1NextMethodResult { NextMethod = ProcessAdPage };
		public override All1ActionResult End(object arg)
			//this is the good time to get amount of money and min pay.
			//use XPath to find Node with appropriate text
			HtmlNode textNode = Client.ResponseDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//b[text()='All you have earned:']");
			// get amount from Helper method
			Amount = ParseHelper.GetAmount(textNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.InnerText);	   
			// return null is ok, because this is the end of the process for this site.
			return null;
Last edited:
Dưới đây là code để chạy thằng Prom247, viết trên plugin mà mình đang test . Comments thì nhiều, nhưng mã code chắc không nhiều lắm. Bạn xem thử xem. :D Code C#.

Auto cho các phần: Đăng nhập, kiếm ads, xem ads, và lấy số tiền.

using AutoManager.Commons;
using AutoManager.Recognition.Russ;
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace AutoManager.Plugins
class Prom247PluginScript : All1PluginScript
private Queue<string> _linkQueue;
public override string[] SiteNames
get { return new string[] { "" }; }
public override All1ActionResult Begin(object arg)
// Get Login page
//Get captcha image
Bitmap bm = Client.GetBitmap("image2.php?$res");
//Wait inputing Captcha from user and move to method SubmitLogin to handle next step
return new All1WaitTextCaptResult { Image = bm, NextMethod = SubmitLogin, };
private All1ActionResult SubmitLogin(object arg)
// store information for logging in
Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dic.Add("logusername", Username);
dic.Add("logpassword", Password);
//at this state, CaptchaResultStr stores value of user input
dic.Add("code", CaptchaResultStr);
Client.PostRequest("login.php", dic);
//if not contain logout link-> not login, stop
if (!Client.ResponseStr.Contains(""))
return new All1StopingResult { Reason = "LoginFailed" };
//go to main ad page
// site requires selecting stars in order to show ads
if (Client.ResponseStr.Contains("specify the number of stars in the picture"))
Bitmap captchaBm = Client.GetBitmap("image.php?Array");
//I use my library to by pass the captcha, you can create on your own.
int result = ColorStarRecognizer.Recognize(captchaBm);
Client.PostRequest("sites.php", "code=" + result, Client.ResponseFullUrl);
//assume it's ok :D
//get  again
//Search all ad links from this page using XPath, do google to know about XPath in case you have no ideal about XPath.
//Search all links start with /adview
// we use Agility library to parse Html string into Node (DOM Tree).
HtmlNodeCollection nodes = Client.ResponseDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[starts-with(@href,'/adview')]");
// store all links in this queue
_linkQueue = new Queue<string>();
if (nodes != null)
foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes)
//make sure that's not cheat ad, we have to get all texts from that ad
if (!IsCheatLink(node.ParentNode.InnerText))
{ //it's ok now, add into queue
string url = node.Attributes["href"].Value;
//ok now we move to next method which handles watching ad.
return new All1NextMethodResult { NextMethod = ProcessAdPage };
private All1ActionResult ProcessAdPage(object arg)
//check if we have any ads in the queue, if it's empty, move to end method
if (_linkQueue.Count <= 0)
return new All1NextMethodResult { NextMethod = End };
// get the next item in queue, but still keep it in queue
string currentAdLink = _linkQueue.Peek();
//load page from that link
Client.GetRequest(currentAdLink, "sites.php");
//continue to load page
Client.GetRequest("vls.php", Client.ResponseFullUrl);
//timer is stored in tag
HtmlNode timerNode = Client.ResponseDoc.GetElementbyId("sfbtimer");
int timer = int.Parse(timerNode.InnerText);
//Waiting ad as required, after waiting ad, it will call to next method
return new All1WaitingAdResult
WaitingTime = timer,
NextMethod = (o) =>
//those codes below are got from the flow of the page
// process captcha, and get value
Bitmap captchaImage = Client.GetBitmap("image.php?Resource id #5", Client.ResponseFullUrl);
int result = ColorStarRecognizer.Recognize(captchaImage);
Client.PostRequest("vls.php?view=ok&ds=clicked", "code=" + result, Client.ResponseFullUrl);
//assum it's ok :D
//continue to call this method
return new All1NextMethodResult { NextMethod = ProcessAdPage };
public override All1ActionResult End(object arg)
//this is the good time to get amount of money and min pay.
//use XPath to find Node with appropriate text
HtmlNode textNode = Client.ResponseDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//b[text()='All you have earned:']");
// get amount from Helper method
Amount = ParseHelper.GetAmount(textNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.InnerText);	  
// return null is ok, because this is the end of the process for this site.
return null;
Có vẻ cũng ko dễ :( Đang bận nữa chứ đành chịu thôi không ngâm cứu được rồi :(
Dưới đây là code để chạy thằng Prom247, viết trên plugin mà mình đang test . Comments thì nhiều, nhưng mã code chắc không nhiều lắm. Bạn xem thử xem. :D Code C#.

Auto cho các phần: Đăng nhập, kiếm ads, xem ads, và lấy số tiền.

using AutoManager.Commons;
using AutoManager.Recognition.Russ;
using HtmlAgilityPack;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace AutoManager.Plugins
class Prom247PluginScript : All1PluginScript
private Queue<string> _linkQueue;
public override string[] SiteNames
get { return new string[] { "" }; }
public override All1ActionResult Begin(object arg)
// Get Login page
//Get captcha image
Bitmap bm = Client.GetBitmap("image2.php?$res");
//Wait inputing Captcha from user and move to method SubmitLogin to handle next step
return new All1WaitTextCaptResult { Image = bm, NextMethod = SubmitLogin, };
private All1ActionResult SubmitLogin(object arg)
// store information for logging in
Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dic.Add("logusername", Username);
dic.Add("logpassword", Password);
//at this state, CaptchaResultStr stores value of user input
dic.Add("code", CaptchaResultStr);
Client.PostRequest("login.php", dic);
//if not contain logout link-> not login, stop
if (!Client.ResponseStr.Contains(""))
return new All1StopingResult { Reason = "LoginFailed" };
//go to main ad page
// site requires selecting stars in order to show ads
if (Client.ResponseStr.Contains("specify the number of stars in the picture"))
Bitmap captchaBm = Client.GetBitmap("image.php?Array");
//I use my library to by pass the captcha, you can create on your own.
int result = ColorStarRecognizer.Recognize(captchaBm);
Client.PostRequest("sites.php", "code=" + result, Client.ResponseFullUrl);
//assume it's ok :D
//get  again
//Search all ad links from this page using XPath, do google to know about XPath in case you have no ideal about XPath.
//Search all links start with /adview
// we use Agility library to parse Html string into Node (DOM Tree).
HtmlNodeCollection nodes = Client.ResponseDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[starts-with(@href,'/adview')]");
// store all links in this queue
_linkQueue = new Queue<string>();
if (nodes != null)
foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes)
//make sure that's not cheat ad, we have to get all texts from that ad
if (!IsCheatLink(node.ParentNode.InnerText))
{ //it's ok now, add into queue
string url = node.Attributes["href"].Value;
//ok now we move to next method which handles watching ad.
return new All1NextMethodResult { NextMethod = ProcessAdPage };
private All1ActionResult ProcessAdPage(object arg)
//check if we have any ads in the queue, if it's empty, move to end method
if (_linkQueue.Count <= 0)
return new All1NextMethodResult { NextMethod = End };
// get the next item in queue, but still keep it in queue
string currentAdLink = _linkQueue.Peek();
//load page from that link
Client.GetRequest(currentAdLink, "sites.php");
//continue to load page
Client.GetRequest("vls.php", Client.ResponseFullUrl);
//timer is stored in tag
HtmlNode timerNode = Client.ResponseDoc.GetElementbyId("sfbtimer");
int timer = int.Parse(timerNode.InnerText);
//Waiting ad as required, after waiting ad, it will call to next method
return new All1WaitingAdResult
WaitingTime = timer,
NextMethod = (o) =>
//those codes below are got from the flow of the page
// process captcha, and get value
Bitmap captchaImage = Client.GetBitmap("image.php?Resource id #5", Client.ResponseFullUrl);
int result = ColorStarRecognizer.Recognize(captchaImage);
Client.PostRequest("vls.php?view=ok&ds=clicked", "code=" + result, Client.ResponseFullUrl);
//assum it's ok :D
//continue to call this method
return new All1NextMethodResult { NextMethod = ProcessAdPage };
public override All1ActionResult End(object arg)
//this is the good time to get amount of money and min pay.
//use XPath to find Node with appropriate text
HtmlNode textNode = Client.ResponseDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//b[text()='All you have earned:']");
// get amount from Helper method
Amount = ParseHelper.GetAmount(textNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.InnerText);	
// return null is ok, because this is the end of the process for this site.
return null;
Hix, hơn 2 năm rồi chưa đụng lại mấy cái code lập trình này =.=", h nhìn lại đúng là choáng thật anh. Em nhớ đc mấy cái code lập trình đơn giản thôi, mấy cái này hơi rối >"<. Nhưng nếu nhìn kỹ thì cũng thấy khá dể, cái này là code plugin mẩu phải ko ạhh?


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