Details : Facebook account active with friends , BM verified, Active ads Account ready to use.
Available countries and Type are :
BM 1500 limit : $70
BM 5000 limit : $120
BM unlimited : $250
USA /UK /French/ Hong Kong/ Spanish/ German/ Canadian/ Italian/ Malaysia/ Taiwan.
Payment Method:
Account provided with full information ( Facebook id, Fb Password, Email , Email password, 2fa Code Cookies and BM link in Excel).
Delivery after getting payment may take Maximum 30 minutes to 1 hour (depends on quantity).
Refund policy :
If the account gets a login problem, I will fix it immediately or refund.
You can message me on telegram: @JacobMorten https://t.me/Jacobmorten
Available countries and Type are :
BM 1500 limit : $70
BM 5000 limit : $120
BM unlimited : $250
USA /UK /French/ Hong Kong/ Spanish/ German/ Canadian/ Italian/ Malaysia/ Taiwan.
Payment Method:
Account provided with full information ( Facebook id, Fb Password, Email , Email password, 2fa Code Cookies and BM link in Excel).
Delivery after getting payment may take Maximum 30 minutes to 1 hour (depends on quantity).
Refund policy :
If the account gets a login problem, I will fix it immediately or refund.
You can message me on telegram: @JacobMorten https://t.me/Jacobmorten