ok tks bạn

mình nhầm ở trên, lợi nhuận 30$/tháng thì 1 ngày lời khoảng 1$ (mình chia cho 10 nên nhầm

bạn có thể cho mình biết trung bình mỗi nấc thang số lượng ref ra sao thì bạn recycle bình quân 1 ngày hay 1 tháng bao nhiêu không ?
Sorry bạn, chiến thuật và recycle mình chỉ có thể hướng dẫn ref mình làm, vì đó là trách nhiệm của 1 upline, bạn nên ghé forum neobux problem and doubts học thêm kinh nghiệm, mình cũng học 5 năm kinh nghiệm từ trong ấy.
copy từ member mdim chia sẽ cho bạn tham khảo:
A referral that clicks 2 ads every 2 days can be profitable for your account, if you extend him for 240 days.
Assuming that you are clicking the 4 orange advertisements daily, there are basically 2 things you can do if you are not satisfied with your referrals:
1. You can reduce the cost and therefore increase your profit margin by using a renewal plan for more days to reduce the average renewal cost per day in the long run. This way you can turn some unprofitable now referrals to profitable ones. In example when you have 1-250 rented referrals, if you extend a referral for 240 days the price is $1.12 and this is equal to $1.12/8=$0.14 per month (30 days), while if you extend for 30 days the price is $0.19 per month. Keep in mind that is always safer to rent less referrals than what you can afford and use the rest of the budget to extend the ones you will rent for as longer as possible the first time.
2. Use manual recycle (based on the clicking patterns you will discover apply a reasonable recycle policy). The detailed previous behavior of every referral is the key (try to spot recurrent behaviors to understand the clicking patterns). Example: You have a referral who is clicking 1 ad every 3 days and he/she did that 7 times in a row. That referral is clicking obviously in a non profitable way for the last 21 days. In this case you have a clear clicking pattern which is not profitable, has no chances to reach the auto-recycle (this is a free recycle which will happen automatically if any of your referrals has stayed inactive for 14 consecutive days) limit and therefore it would be reasonable to recycle manually (personally in this example I would have recycled him/her at the 4th or 5th time).
As you understand you should keep detailed stats daily. If you don't know how to use the exported lists, then this post will help you a lot:
Useful info about the BEP (which can be used as a measure to understand if a clicking behavior is profitable or not) here:
Do not forget to give always enough time to referrals (especially new ones) to show you what they can do for you. Also, if it's the fist time a referral stays inactive for several days, it's actually reasonable to wait for a possible auto-recycle.
Remember always that the best recycle policy is the one you will develop yourself based on the behavior of your referrals. Since every account and referral is unique there is not a standard recipe that will work for every one.
Last but not least, doing some Mini Jobs, completing Point/Coin offers, getting some direct referrals, clicking advertisements and using you AdPrize chances can all help you to increase your earnings. Buying an upgrade when you believe is a useful one and you can afford it can help too.