Vietnamese task does not run! - To Vietnameses the task not to carry out! I will not accept! PURE COOKIES cookie and Me IP - is MANDATORY! Ps: if ip static (unchanging), multiple execution PROHIBITED!
zadanie.Schelkaem begin to fulfill one of these links - Alternate LINKS! (this is abbreviated to insert their links in the address bar my site in search results and go to the site (the name of forex guide -
http://fo *** /). LOG ON SITE ONLY THROUGH THE SEARCH! 2.) Do 3 go on the site, the home page do not click ! 3.) At the top of the site and click on the two different teaser and make the transition to 2-3 sites opened. 4.) right under the Currency Charts click on one link and make 03.02 go to open the site. 5.) Below site to click once on the banner RIGHT (LEFT Banner do not click!) and make the transition to open 3.2 site. Your IP address to proverku.Ssylki transitions are not needed! PS Pay fairly, honestly fulfilled. If done clumsily I can not pay! job can be done repeatedly, but be sure to clean your cookies and change your ip!
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