Thử viết một cái email đại khái lúc ký hợp đồng bạn chưa đủ 18 tuổi , yêu cầu nó hủy net
I am writing to inform you that, at the time of signing your network agreement, I was not of the contract’s required signing age of 18 and did not obtain my parent’s or guardian’s signature.
I have proof by providing you a copy of my government issued ID which corroborates that I was not 18 when I signed the agreement.
Based on this clear evidence I am formally requesting that your network immediately release my channels and me from the agreement. In addition to the legal signing age, I have also looked into the legal age of consent (i.e. When does a person become an “adult”?) You are considered to be an adult at age 18. This is also known as the age of majority.
Since I was not of the age of majority at the time of signing and without parental consent, this makes your contract non-binding and it also makes it unenforceable. Therefore I am reiterating that you cannot legally bind me to the contract or keep my channel. I should point out that the channels have been developed by me and represent my personal intellectual property. Since the agreement is non-binding and not enforceable these channels must be returned to my control and your network may no longer continue to derive any revenue from my intellectual property.
I would like to settle this amicably, but if you refuse to abide by clear legal edicts you will leave me no choice but to inform YouTube of your clear breach of the law. I am certain that YouTube will not look favorably on any network that tries to keep partners and their channels despite clear evidence that shows an invalid and unenforceable contract.
I look forward to you releasing my channels as soon as possible.