• Guest, bạn sẽ được thưởng theo giá trị giao dịch tương ứng khi báo cáo [Scammer]:
    • Từ 50tr trở lên: thưởng liền 10 MR (~ $10)
    • Còn lại: thưởng liền 1 MR - 3 MR (~ $1 - $3)
    • Các trường hợp báo cáo [Warning] cũng sẽ được thưởng 1 MR (~ $1)
    • Báo cáo tại đây

Waiting for Answer Em mới bị Scam, nhờ mọi người giải đáp giúp em!!

Aug 25, 2015
Mới gửi cho Paypal cài này. Không được nữa thì rút kinh nghiệm sâu sắc thôi.

Today I meet one problem and I want to write this letter hope to receive support from Paypal.

At 12:11:09 GMT + 07: 00, November 2, 2015, I have done one transaction worth $ 54 for Tran Thanh Long. Paypal can review transaction history via transaction ID which I have sent to you above. Notice that Tran Thanh Long is one of my best friends. But I have been dealing with one who has forged a close friend to scam me to transfer money. I would like to be presented as follows:

First, here is the link your Facebook me: https://www.facebook.com/tranlong812

And here is the link next Facebook scammers:


As Paypal see, the 2 nick Facebook are very similar, the only difference between the 2 characters o and 0. And scammers have used this loophole to swindle me transfer. However, at present I can not access Facebook scammer because he stopped me.

Here is the link picture conversation between me and him, and through Paypal protect me during this transaction: http://postimg.org/image/nunlunnsp/. After trading has ceased, he deleted all messages sent to me from FB to remove traces of tampering.

Not stopping there, he told me the other Faceboook nick matter and he used one other Facebook named Phan Nguyen Truong Quan: https://www.facebook.com/Waiting0neLove

Link image: http://postimg.org/image/t7cg8sbp5/

See Figure Paypal may see while using nick Facebook Phan Nguyen Truong Quan, but he asked me to move back to the Tran Thanh Long Paypal email is [email protected]. Please ask Paypal verified this anomaly help me.

With the amount of $ 54, while Vietnam will be converted into cash of approximately 1.16 million VND

Link image: http://postimg.org/image/hksc7noe1/

For Vietnamese, it is the first significant amount. So I wanted Paypal will pause the operation of Tran Thanh Long Paypal account and make him provide evidence of money transfers corresponding to the amount of 1160000 VND. If he fails to provide the course he was a fraud and will have to return the money to my Paypal account and permanently discontinued operations.

If you really need more evidence Paypal, Paypal can directly contact with me. Currently Paypal did not know who was right and who is wrong. But I believe in the truth. And believe Paypal will help me solve this problem.

Because I'm Vietnamese. So my level of English was not good. So I got to the tool Google Translate to help me write this letter to Paypal. And in these images, all of which are Vietnamese, but I've marked the places Paypal note. Paypal should be able to not understand my language, but I believe Paypal will understand my picture posted. Sorry If the wording is somewhat shaky too

Sorry Paypal because I had opened a dispute with Case ID 1 PP-004-290-412-161 content is unauthorized transactions without the account holder agrees. Actually that time I was too confused and not know what else to do. Again please forgive me, Paypal.

Thanks Paypal so much!

Dinh Duy Phuong


Aug 14, 2015
Mới gửi cho Paypal cài này. Không được nữa thì rút kinh nghiệm sâu sắc thôi.

Today I meet one problem and I want to write this letter hope to receive support from Paypal.

At 12:11:09 GMT + 07: 00, November 2, 2015, I have done one transaction worth $ 54 for Tran Thanh Long. Paypal can review transaction history via transaction ID which I have sent to you above. Notice that Tran Thanh Long is one of my best friends. But I have been dealing with one who has forged a close friend to scam me to transfer money. I would like to be presented as follows:

First, here is the link your Facebook me: https://www.facebook.com/tranlong812

And here is the link next Facebook scammers:


As Paypal see, the 2 nick Facebook are very similar, the only difference between the 2 characters o and 0. And scammers have used this loophole to swindle me transfer. However, at present I can not access Facebook scammer because he stopped me.

Here is the link picture conversation between me and him, and through Paypal protect me during this transaction: http://postimg.org/image/nunlunnsp/. After trading has ceased, he deleted all messages sent to me from FB to remove traces of tampering.

Not stopping there, he told me the other Faceboook nick matter and he used one other Facebook named Phan Nguyen Truong Quan: https://www.facebook.com/Waiting0neLove

Link image: http://postimg.org/image/t7cg8sbp5/

See Figure Paypal may see while using nick Facebook Phan Nguyen Truong Quan, but he asked me to move back to the Tran Thanh Long Paypal email is [email protected]. Please ask Paypal verified this anomaly help me.

With the amount of $ 54, while Vietnam will be converted into cash of approximately 1.16 million VND

Link image: http://postimg.org/image/hksc7noe1/

For Vietnamese, it is the first significant amount. So I wanted Paypal will pause the operation of Tran Thanh Long Paypal account and make him provide evidence of money transfers corresponding to the amount of 1160000 VND. If he fails to provide the course he was a fraud and will have to return the money to my Paypal account and permanently discontinued operations.

If you really need more evidence Paypal, Paypal can directly contact with me. Currently Paypal did not know who was right and who is wrong. But I believe in the truth. And believe Paypal will help me solve this problem.

Because I'm Vietnamese. So my level of English was not good. So I got to the tool Google Translate to help me write this letter to Paypal. And in these images, all of which are Vietnamese, but I've marked the places Paypal note. Paypal should be able to not understand my language, but I believe Paypal will understand my picture posted. Sorry If the wording is somewhat shaky too

Sorry Paypal because I had opened a dispute with Case ID 1 PP-004-290-412-161 content is unauthorized transactions without the account holder agrees. Actually that time I was too confused and not know what else to do. Again please forgive me, Paypal.

Thanks Paypal so much!

Dinh Duy Phuong

chờ đợi thôi :D
mà lần sau nên viết ngắn gọn hơn .hehe


Trusted 3
Feb 13, 2015
Call me! Call me! Chat with me via Yahoo Messenger Follow me on Facebook Chat with me via Skype
Em mới vừa bị scam khi giao dịch PP, em send PP rồi nó chuồn luôn. Nhớ lúc trước có đọc được 1 bài của Pro trong này hướng dẫn là lập tức reset modem, sau đó vào lại PP báo dis giao dịch đó là trái phép không phải là do mình làm, vậy có ổn chưa ạ? Mất 54$ :((
Nếu bạn dis ngay lập tức tên đó ko kịp xài, mà nó xài nhanh cũng reversal hoặc limited cái PP tiếp theo (personal)
Cái bạn pro nào chỉ bạn cái cách "lập tức reset modem" là thuốc độc nhé, nghĩa thì đúng mà cách làm thì trật lất rồi
Nếu bạn dis ngay lập tức tên đó ko kịp xài, mà nó xài nhanh cũng reversal hoặc limited cái PP tiếp theo (personal)
Cái bạn pro nào chỉ bạn cái cách "lập tức reset modem" là thuốc độc nhé, nghĩa thì đúng mà cách làm thì trật lất rồi
Cho mình hỏi "Thuốc độc" nghĩa là sao vậy bạn?
hồi mình mua vps mà thằng chủ không bảo trì + hư hết toàn bộ, sau gần 1 tháng mình mới gửi dis cho paypal, mình ghi là bị lừa nên gửi tiền theo dạng personal và mất tiền không có chứng cứ gì cả ghi như kiểu năn nỉ ấy =)) thế mà 2 ngày sau nó hoàn tiền lại cho mình.
hồi mình mua vps mà thằng chủ không bảo trì + hư hết toàn bộ, sau gần 1 tháng mình mới gửi dis cho paypal, mình ghi là bị lừa nên gửi tiền theo dạng personal và mất tiền không có chứng cứ gì cả ghi như kiểu năn nỉ ấy =)) thế mà 2 ngày sau nó hoàn tiền lại cho mình.
Thanks bạn, bạn lại thắp lên cho mình tia hy vọng, 2 ngày rồi.....


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