Xây Dựng Hệ Thống OneCoin CryptoCurrency 1kEuro/WEEK

I know there's some great opportunities out there,
but I wanted to make this point here crystal clear...

What matters more than "which" opportunity you
promote is "who" you choose to work with

Lets Get REAL here..

Be choosy who you join...do your due diligence &
look around, you'll figure out who's just out for a
quick buck and who's truly willing to help you.
I just happen to be that person who WILL help you

what is the #1 thing you MUST have to
make it SIMPLE for "anyone" on your team to make
The Answer is- Duplication!

Without a sales process or system in place that allows
anyone to be successful you've got nothing..

You don't have to be SUPER techy either.
because I have the Answer for you, all coveredlike emoticon

Once on our team I'll show you EVERYTHINGsmile emoticon
This will be a GAMECHANGER! Get in Now!
@Dev and Terry -- regarding to your questions about tokens and coins prices -- currently Onecoin OneExchange trading platform is not official launched yet,
we will have all the announcements on the stage in Dubai on May 15 as the event and opening go live
Right now is the time for all members to take advantage of owning the spots with best rate, as we hit the next milestone then we will enter the exchange and public trading
We have passed the 2nd split and also reached over 86.4mil coins mined (currently is 88.4mil coins mined already!) and we are now at 7 tokens for onecoin if you do manual mining and 6 tokens to get one coin for Automatically mining.

Lets say token price is at 0.12 EUR, then onecoin now worth 0.12 x 6 = 0.72 eur
This can not define exact pricing until our trading go live base on different elements...

After the split that double your tokens - with this alone you already gained much in value, apart from any other benefits as being part of the company and grow your business

The split will cause the tokens price slide down but then go up again. Current Barometer show us at 5% growth now, again when it reach 100%, your package will get split
- Any package lower than a Tycoon will get split once
- Tycoon will get split twice
- Maximum split of one user account is 3 times

Please learn more about OneExchange here http://bit.ly/TheOneExchange
Hope this helps, if you have any more questions , please let me know and I will seek the right answer for you. thanks
Dear member,

Are you ready for a powerful week ahead filled with new exciting news? You do not want to miss this week’s webinars and updates. This week will serve two webinars so don’t miss out.

The first webinar of the week will be a cryptocurrency special by Dr. Ruja Ignatova, our founder and CEO, as the main speaker on the call. Learn about the mining of OneCoin, what is the status on the coins and get the latest updates.


Tuesday, April 7th2015
Time: 11pm Hong Kong Time (+ 8GMT)

The second webinar of the week will be on Thursday with a bonusplan special and State of the Nation by Mr Sebastian Greenwood, our master distributor of OneCoin. Learn the insights of the bonus plan and be amongst the 170 people who maxed out the bonus plan last week.


Thursday, April 9th2015
Time: 11pm Hong Kong Time (+8GMT)


This weeks state of the nation updates will have among other topics all the exciting news surrounding OneCoin, just check out the below topics to get an idea why you should be on the call.

1. Race to Dubai updates. Event on the 15 May at the Ritz Carlton DIFC Dubai @ 14.00 hrs. Make sure you have your visa and flight and hotel tickets booked early.

2. Leadership program updates. Don’t miss the updates to the leadership program in May. New recognition rewards waiting.

3. Conligus network integration, soon to be finalized, be sure to watch the ticker on the members count ononecoin.euto see the network expansion.

4. OnePay gets a total makeover, check out the new features and functionalities and how you can use the e-wallet in your day to day activity.

5. Upcoming event in Kiev on the 16.4, for more info check the Facebook page for detailed information.

6. WARNING, FAKE gift codes circulating on the Internet. DO NOT buy any codes from somebody you do not know personally. Be aware of Internet fraud.

See you on the calls.

OneCoin Team


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