YouTube creator Finpact - Annika - was attending many Blockchain events in Dubai and came across WOM Protocol‘s founder and CEO, Melanie Mohr.
Amazing vid about the BULLZ app and the potential she sees in $WOM as a new way to monetize for creators and networks.
Wom Protocol is LITERALLY the Tik Tok of Crypto! 20X Opp - MUST KNOW ABOUT THIS - Altcoin gem pick!
WOM Protocol is one of my altcoin gem picks this week. It's built on ethereum network and has a 10-20x opportunity because it is the next TikTok in Crypto!
WOM Protocol is a blockchain-powered user-generated marketing platform that aims to solve all of the issues with digital marketing. It does this by aiming to focus on rewarding on word-of-mouth recommendations. By doing this, WOM Protocol can ensure there is more trustworthy digital ads. T
Wom Protocol Details:
WOM Protocol - Announcements
In this channel you can find the latest news & announcements about the WOM Protocol! Join also our community channel and take part in discussions about the project: t.me/WOMProtocolChat (@WOMProtocolChat) More info about WOM: https://womprotocol.io
Bullz app:
App Store link: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/bullz/id1579098036
Google Play Store link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.womprotocol.bullz