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Jan 5, 2012
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Thế giờ sao bác vừa dep 500$ qua paypal giờ nó bắt rút payza chắc lỗ ói máu quá, rút qua TM MásterCard là sao nhỉ

nó phát hành card giống visa or master acb ấy. Bác order card về VN (mất tầm 1 tháng) hên thì nhận đc card còn xui thì cái card đó đi bụi. Khi có card rồi thì $$$ trong acc balance của bác nó sẽ thông với cái card, Muốn rút $$$ thì ra thẳng cây atm mà rút


Oct 16, 2014
nó phát hành card giống visa or master acb ấy. Bác order card về VN (mất tầm 1 tháng) hên thì nhận đc card còn xui thì cái card đó đi bụi. Khi có card rồi thì $$$ trong acc balance của bác nó sẽ thông với cái card, Muốn rút $$$ thì ra thẳng cây atm mà rút
Chắc hóng cái này thôi chứ rút mấy cổng khác chắc lòi kèn :D


Dec 12, 2013
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Thế giờ sao bác vừa dep 500$ qua paypal giờ nó bắt rút payza chắc lỗ ói máu quá, rút qua TM MásterCard là sao nhỉ
Bạn cứ theo Plan 145 chưa nên rút vội vì 30 ngày sau TM sẽ chuyển hết sang Payza, TM Master card sẽ là bước tiếp theo TM làm thẻ này cho thành viên
From TM News:
Traffic Monsoon's New CFO

I'd like to extend a warm welcome to Dr Amin Forati as our new CFO (Chief Financial Officer).
He is the chairman at D&B group, Ambassador to Malta, and has great experience with banking and financial systems.
Dr. Amin A. Forati is much celebrated for his extraordinary character, his integrity and desire to help the underprivileged and give everyone an equal chance to grow, regardless of position. Those who had the chance to work with him knew that he was a man who respected his word and held its importance above any contract.

PayPal And Moving Forward From Here11.02.2016

I truly am doing all that I can to get this situation resolved, and have met with so many people discussing ways to overcome it, including individuals who are in position to help in significant ways. PayPal is promising to send the balance in full within 180 days.
PayPal will be reviewing the account each 30 days to decide how much (if any) can be released in intervals, but for sure we will have all funds out within 6 months time.
We're working through many solutions, including retaining one of the best attorneys to resolve this situation. This attorney has worked with the Department of Justice, has connections who are in the FBI, and a friend of his also is friends with the CEO of PayPal. We're working all possible channels to get this resolved amicably and quickly.
Please know that I recognize fully the position this is placing each of you in, and I am working so very hard to get this resolved for you and all members as soon as humanly possible.
Worse case scenario, PayPal will release the funds in a max of 180 days and everyone's pending withdrawals will be paid. I've always been honest with you, so I at least hope you stick with me through this journey as we face what PayPal has done to YOUR business together and get through it together, and keep going for years and years to come.
Best case sceneario, we'll have a new payment gateway added to the system in a matter of days and our solutions we've been working on will be in full force and within the next 3 weeks or so we'll have all the pending payouts caught up and withdrawals instant again. If all the sales which have been going into PayPal these last few weeks went into Payza & Solid Trust Pay, then we wouldn't have any issues with paying anyone.. So let's focus on having everyone use Payza or Solid Trust Pay.
The best thing for everyone to do is setup Payza, or SolidTrustPay while we complete work adding an additional method of payment and get it built into the system. PayPal is no longer a method of payment on the website.
The trajectory of the business has been upwards, so keep doing all you have been doing to grow the business and take this to the next level (like you always have) then we'll make it through this challenge in a shorter time.
Looking at sales trends, and current payout requests awaiting to be paid.. as long as sales go through a method of payment we can actually use (instead of paypal) we would have every pending request paid out within 3 weeks or less.
The ticket here is not to give up, but keep moving forward... and using payza / stp -- and you'll see that the requests will be paid in a shorter time than 180 days due to the flow of sales coming in.. That's all we need to do.. stay positive, keep going forward, and this will resolve itself
FYI. While We Wait PayPal Funds
Plan Moving Forward:

We know for certain the funds inside PayPal will be released. Exactly when that is we do not know, but we are working on getting them released ASAP.
While we wait for the funds to be released, the earnings which are backed up by those funds will be placed into PENDING status.
Sharing positions from adpacks purchased 11 Feb 2016 or before which are active will be placed into PENDING.Reason being, they have shared in revenues which came in mostly from PayPal purchases.

Pending Withdrawal Requests have been returned to your balance. Earnings from 11 Feb 2016 or before will be placed into PENDING also. Reason is because earnings before this date mostly came to members from PayPal purchases.

Once PayPal releases the funds and we have them available for payouts, all pending balances and positions will be restored into Active status.
This will make it so you can get paid instantly on the new commissions and earnings generated by the new purchases of services.
In other words, all the business which has been impacted by PayPal is placed into pending while we await for those funds to be released.
Cái Balance cũ nó cho hết vào pending là ý gì đây thớt nhỉ. :p
Có thể hiểu đại ý ND lược dịch như sau:

“Chúng ta biết rõ khoản tiền đang bị PP nắm giữ, còn chính xác bao giờ họ giải phóng khoản này thì chưa rõ nhưng chúng tôi đang làm việc hết sức mình để PP giải phóng khoản tiền này càng sớm càng tốt.

Trong khi chờ đợi thì tòan bộ tiền trên TK earnings sẽ lưu giữ lại và đưa vào trạng thái PENDING. Tất cả shares mà bạn mua từ ngày 11.02.16 trở về trước tạm thời không sinh lợi tức vì phần lớn shares này đầu tư từ TK Paypal.
Khi Paypal giải phóng khoản tiền nói trên để chúng tôi thanh toán thì tòan bộ shares cũng như số tiền tạm thời đóng băng sẽ đưa trở lại trạng thái Hoạt động (Active)
Điều này cũng có nghĩa từ nay khỏan tiền sinh lợi từ những khỏan đầu tư mới và hoa hồng từ tuyến dưới của bạn được thanh toán ngay lập tức (Instant)

Nói cách khác tòan bộ việc kinh doanh bị ảnh hưởng bởi Paypal tạm thời đóng băng trong khi chờ đợi PP giải phóng số tiền đang nắm giữ của TM.”
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