sẽ có ........
1.Sign up only for offers you are interested in!
After you sign up for an offer, you'll most likely be contacted by the advertiser, by email or phone. If you show no interest in the offer, the advertiser will not pay us, so we won't be able to pay you.
2.Carefully read and follow the Guide Page instructions!
When you click on an offer, a page will open with valid signup requirements. To receive your points, you should strictly follow these requirements.
3.Log in at Cashfiesta.com!
We are not able to identify which offers non-logged members signed up for. So, in order to receive points, you have to log in before clicking on an offer. If you are not logged, on the offer Guide Page you?ll see a "You are not logged in" message. If you see such a message, click on the Members link of the main menu and log in, then return to the offer.
4.Provide valid contact info!
Most offers require either valid email address, or valid phone number, or both. If you don't provide valid contact info, the advertiser will not be able to reach you and will not pay for the signup, so we won't be able to pay you.
We credit our members' accounts with the respective points at the end of the month following the month of signup. This is the time when we receive our final reports by the advertisers. For example, if you sign up for an offer in April, you will be able to see your points in My Statistics at the end of May.