hơn 3 năm rồi, nó còn 2 năm nữa là đủ năm năm mà còn 40 tỷ chưa phát
phát hết thì giá bao nhiêu sts/ lumen?
Direct signup program
50% of the initial lumens are dedicated to the direct signup program. The purpose of the program is to extend financial knowledge and access to financial services around the world. Our goal is to distribute the initial allocation of 50 billion lumens in three years but no longer than five years.
Registration for the initial direct signup program will be done via Facebook. We are using Facebook as our initial login methodology because it is the largest database of identity, and our goal is to reach as many people as possible with our educational programs before running out of funds. Therefore, we need a system that allows us to screen out duplicate or spam accounts.
We will set up a website where anyone can come and register. We will also make reasonable best effort to screen out fraudulent accounts or people with multiple Facebook accounts. Once the direct signup program has commenced, the Foundation will begin work on alternative channels for distribution of lumens, including SMS and other online channels, in order to allow more people access without having to have a Facebook account.
People participating in this program will receive their initial grant of lumens to fund an account which they will use to learn how to use online financial tools. In addition, completing educational tutorials will earn extra lumen rewards.
We commit to admitting at least the following number of people each month into the direct signup program.
Month 1: 10k people
Month 2: 20k people
Month 3: 50k people
Month 4-12: 100k people per month
Month 12+: capped only by technical constraints
We anticipate even broader reach than these numbers, limited only by the scalability of the network. Once these monthly limits have been reached, people may be placed on a waitlist and be admitted into the program as more space is available. Every day we will take people off the waitlist and add them to the system. We believe that Stellar is most useful when groups of interconnected people are using the system. With this in mind, we may let people in out of order based on certain criteria such as geographic region, availability of tools in localized languages or number of friends in the system.