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Welcome to Interwrk!
Using our program you can make additional money everyday doing NO work! Simply load the new toolbar and make sure your Firefox browser stays open. You can minimize it if you need to, but it needs to stay active. For doing nothing at all, you will start to make a few USD pennies a day which will increase over time added to your PayPal account! And like always we pay every day to your PayPal account no matter how small the amount (by around noon USA PST the following day). We pay in USD amounts.
The add-on is an actual toolbar that has different functions as follows:
1. INTERWRK Logo - Click on the logo to go directly to the
interwrk.com site.
2. Red Light/Green Light - Future Development - This is not used for interwrk.
3. Email Icon - If we sent you email or responded to a ticket you will see the email light up - press it and you will be taken to your support page.
4. Money - This is where you will see money being earned each day. It will start over every 24 hours and you will be paid that amount the next day. You can click on the money symbol when money starts appearing to see the breakout.
5. Play/Pause - The button should be on play which will indicate that it is running. If the double vertical lines are displaying then it is ON; if it is showing a sideways Triangle it is OFF and you need to turn it on by pressing the button.
Just remember to keep it running. You can do other things on your Firefox browser or any other browser but it just needs to be running. We do not download any viruses or collect personal information.
If you have additional questions, check out our updated FAQ section on the website. Normally you should start seeing some money being made your very first day and tasks (green light) will start to be given to you the next day.
If you still have further questions, send us a support ticket. We hope you will be excited to earn money for doing nothing or very little. Thanks for your patience and you can get started at any time by logging in and getting the new toolbar.