Matrix Hội những NGười Bị Fastcashmega(FCM) banned acc

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Apr 24, 2012
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Dear admin FCM
My name :
My FCM username:
My account has been suspended with reason not satisfactory!!!!!!
I don't know why you can suspend my account with one of 3 reason : multi account,try to exchange fund, or payza/stp be reversed because I don't violate site's rule
The first, I have only an account,why I can create multi account with small money, it's not feasible because I'm not a big investor
The second, I don't try to exchange fund, because I used payza to buy unit profits , and when I have profit, I have the right to choose a method payment for me unless you said that :If you try to fund payza/stp and withdraw to LR soon , not to buy unit profit your account will be suspended, or if you fund payza to buy unit profit, you will withdraw payza, and when you fund STP,you only withdraw STP, the same with LR. And if you don'n want I withdraw another method payment,you can refund to my balance account for me to withdraw another method. You dont do it
The third, my payza is not reversed, I checked my payza account and I do sure about that.
I have invested FCM over 3 months and I love this site because admin has hight prestigious,I dont want any risks with this site but hacker dont think so,they do anything to make destruction the site and they will laugh if we will become a factor to break this link. I want to make more and more deposit to your site if you can explain reasonable this things. And I really hope that you would give to me and some one like me a chance to repare the mistake, the confrontation is not better.
I heard many people said that if FCM dont resolve satisfactory, they will open dispute payza council and I think they will do it soon. Please do not let that happen, this thing will never has interests to you
This email can be copy to many people like me and they only want to make a thing: their account will be reopen and they sure that old mistake will never comeback
that is all thing I want to say with you, I hope everything will resolve in sight
thanks for read this mail
Member FCM


Aug 9, 2012
Dear admin FCM
My name :
My FCM username:
My account has been suspended with reason not satisfactory!!!!!!
I don't know why you can suspend my account with one of 3 reason : multi account,try to exchange fund, or payza/stp be reversed because I don't violate site's rule
The first, I have only an account,why I can create multi account with small money, it's not feasible because I'm not a big investor
The second, I don't try to exchange fund, because I used payza to buy unit profits , and when I have profit, I have the right to choose a method payment for me unless you said that :If you try to fund payza/stp and withdraw to LR soon , not to buy unit profit your account will be suspended, or if you fund payza to buy unit profit, you will withdraw payza, and when you fund STP,you only withdraw STP, the same with LR. And if you don'n want I withdraw another method payment,you can refund to my balance account for me to withdraw another method. You dont do it
The third, my payza is not reversed, I checked my payza account and I do sure about that.
I have invested FCM over 3 months and I love this site because admin has hight prestigious,I dont want any risks with this site but hacker dont think so,they do anything to make destruction the site and they will laugh if we will become a factor to break this link. I want to make more and more deposit to your site if you can explain reasonable this things. And I really hope that you would give to me and some one like me a chance to repare the mistake, the confrontation is not better.
I heard many people said that if FCM dont resolve satisfactory, they will open dispute payza council and I think they will do it soon. Please do not let that happen, this thing will never has interests to you
This email can be copy to many people like me and they only want to make a thing: their account will be reopen and they sure that old mistake will never comeback
that is all thing I want to say with you, I hope everything will resolve in sight
thanks for read this mail
Member FCM

Dài lê thê vậy nó ko đọc đâu :binhsua01:


Oct 30, 2011
Call me! Call me! Follow me on Facebook Chat with me via Skype
Dear admin FCM
My name :
My FCM username:
My account has been suspended with reason not satisfactory!!!!!!
I don't know why you can suspend my account with one of 3 reason : multi account,try to exchange fund, or payza/stp be reversed because I don't violate site's rule
The first, I have only an account,why I can create multi account with small money, it's not feasible because I'm not a big investor
The second, I don't try to exchange fund, because I used payza to buy unit profits , and when I have profit, I have the right to choose a method payment for me unless you said that :If you try to fund payza/stp and withdraw to LR soon , not to buy unit profit your account will be suspended, or if you fund payza to buy unit profit, you will withdraw payza, and when you fund STP,you only withdraw STP, the same with LR. And if you don'n want I withdraw another method payment,you can refund to my balance account for me to withdraw another method. You dont do it
The third, my payza is not reversed, I checked my payza account and I do sure about that.
I have invested FCM over 3 months and I love this site because admin has hight prestigious,I dont want any risks with this site but hacker dont think so,they do anything to make destruction the site and they will laugh if we will become a factor to break this link. I want to make more and more deposit to your site if you can explain reasonable this things. And I really hope that you would give to me and some one like me a chance to repare the mistake, the confrontation is not better.
I heard many people said that if FCM dont resolve satisfactory, they will open dispute payza council and I think they will do it soon. Please do not let that happen, this thing will never has interests to you
This email can be copy to many people like me and they only want to make a thing: their account will be reopen and they sure that old mistake will never comeback
that is all thing I want to say with you, I hope everything will resolve in sight
thanks for read this mail
Member FCM

ghi thế này thì nó lock luôn cái acc chứ rãnh đâu ngồi đọc .. Phải ghi thế lày nè :
" Chào Admin kinh mến, mày làm ơn unlock acc cho tao, không thì tao sẽ chết . Mà tao chết thì mày cũng khó sống lắm đó . Tin ko ? ":binhsua76:


Jun 9, 2012
Dear admin FCM
My name :
My FCM username:
My account has been suspended with reason not satisfactory!!!!!!
I don't know why you can suspend my account with one of 3 reason : multi account,try to exchange fund, or payza/stp be reversed because I don't violate site's rule
The first, I have only an account,why I can create multi account with small money, it's not feasible because I'm not a big investor
The second, I don't try to exchange fund, because I used payza to buy unit profits , and when I have profit, I have the right to choose a method payment for me unless you said that :If you try to fund payza/stp and withdraw to LR soon , not to buy unit profit your account will be suspended, or if you fund payza to buy unit profit, you will withdraw payza, and when you fund STP,you only withdraw STP, the same with LR. And if you don'n want I withdraw another method payment,you can refund to my balance account for me to withdraw another method. You dont do it
The third, my payza is not reversed, I checked my payza account and I do sure about that.
I have invested FCM over 3 months and I love this site because admin has hight prestigious,I dont want any risks with this site but hacker dont think so,they do anything to make destruction the site and they will laugh if we will become a factor to break this link. I want to make more and more deposit to your site if you can explain reasonable this things. And I really hope that you would give to me and some one like me a chance to repare the mistake, the confrontation is not better.
I heard many people said that if FCM dont resolve satisfactory, they will open dispute payza council and I think they will do it soon. Please do not let that happen, this thing will never has interests to you
This email can be copy to many people like me and they only want to make a thing: their account will be reopen and they sure that old mistake will never comeback
that is all thing I want to say with you, I hope everything will resolve in sight
thanks for read this mail
Member FCM

Lại sắp có chuyện vui để xem đây. Có thật bác không cheat không?


May 9, 2012
các bác cứ từ từ. em còn pendding hơn 50LR trong đó :D

- - - Updated - - -

hôm mua 1 acc FCM của dani cũng bị suspended mẹ rồi :-<
We have been busy tracking the members that ruin it for others because we really lose a lot of time checking accounts. I'm talking about the ones that cheat the system by creating multiple accounts to receive the referral commissions on their own purchases. It's bad for the program as the numbers are not correct plus next to that it cost us money and really a lot of time so we had to step in as it was getting worse and worse.

Our programmer made a system for us to quickly find members with multiple accounts. It was shocking to see the result. Many of these cheaters have 3 or more accounts. We even found one with 63 accounts. That's totally stupid!

I think our program offers enough possibilities to earn well with one account so there's no need to create multiple accounts.

We have been advised to immediately disable the internal transfer option. Not only because of those cheating members but also because of money laundry laws. As it seems transfer from member to member can be considered money laundry and could get us in trouble so we decided not to take any risk.

We understand many members use this feature to transfer rebates to their referrals and we truly would like to keep this option open for you but it's not possible with the many cheaters we have plus it's against the law apparently. You will have to transfer the money through the payment processors now.

All cheaters will have their accounts suspended as we announced before. We have a system in place to track these cheaters now so we're going to clean up as it's taking way too much time trying to get those members to behave and withdrawals are more and more delayed because of this.

We're here to help our true members earn money so we can't allow cheaters!

Hopefully you'll understand this. We're working on a monthly income system that will take FCM to the next level so we don't want cheaters ruin it. I will send out an update about the monthly income system soon. For now please try to understand what we're doing here. Thank you.



Jul 27, 2012
Trưa nay em bị suspend mẹ rồi. Em chỉ có 1 account rửa Payza sạch thành LR thôi mà nó cũng suspend, còn 46$ trong đó. Thằng này chắc sắp hết tiền để trả và chuẩn bị scam rồi.
Trưa nay em bị suspend mẹ rồi. Em chỉ có 1 account rửa Payza sạch thành LR thôi mà nó cũng suspend, còn 46$ trong đó. Thằng này chắc sắp hết tiền để trả và chuẩn bị scam rồi.
Hix scam thì vỡ mồm con d o g xồm. còn cả đống $ trong ấy :(


Aug 24, 2012
[FONT=Tahoma, sans-serif]We have been busy tracking the members that ruin it for others because we really lose a lot of time checking accounts. I'm talking about the ones that cheat the system by creating multiple accounts to receive the referral commissions on their own purchases. It's bad for the program as the numbers are not correct plus next to that it cost us money and really a lot of time so we had to step in as it was getting worse and worse.

Our programmer made a system for us to quickly find members with multiple accounts. It was shocking to see the result. Many of these cheaters have 3 or more accounts. We even found one with 63 accounts. That's totally stupid!

I think our program offers enough possibilities to earn well with one account so there's no need to create multiple accounts.

We have been advised to immediately disable the internal transfer option. Not only because of those cheating members but also because of money laundry laws. As it seems transfer from member to member can be considered money laundry and could get us in trouble so we decided not to take any risk.

We understand many members use this feature to transfer rebates to their referrals and we truly would like to keep this option open for you but it's not possible with the many cheaters we have plus it's against the law apparently. You will have to transfer the money through the payment processors now.

All cheaters will have their accounts suspended as we announced before. We have a system in place to track these cheaters now so we're going to clean up as it's taking way too much time trying to get those members to behave and withdrawals are more and more delayed because of this.

We're here to help our true members earn money so we can't allow cheaters!

Hopefully you'll understand this. We're working on a monthly income system that will take FCM to the next level so we don't want cheaters ruin it. I will send out an update about the monthly income system soon. For now please try to understand what we're doing here. Thank you.

Ta đã mở màn cho cuộc dispute quy mô lớn từ VN

Thôi xong. đã đến phiên ta rầu :binhsua76:

We have suspended your account for one of these 3 reasons:

- You have multiple FCM accounts
- You tried to exchange funds
- Your payment got reversed by Payza or STP

Please contact us for more information.


Sep 30, 2010
Thôi xong. đã đến phiên ta rầu :binhsua76:

We have suspended your account for one of these 3 reasons:

- You have multiple FCM accounts
- You tried to exchange funds
- Your payment got reversed by Payza or STP

Please contact us for more information.
con boy nhiều acc mà..bị die 1 acc có làm sao đâu :binhsua08:
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