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Update: Winery Release

Date sent: 2015/08/17 23:03:58
Winery Release

We have the please to announce the release of Winery module.
With his module we try to help the players eager for power and traders.

With Winery module we can produce Grapes and after, using this, Wine.

To produce one Carafe of Wine need:
- 5 kg of grapes.
- 1 Gold
- 10 workers;
- 10 Energy;

To produce Grapes you need:
- timber cost = 6 m3;
- brick cost = 1 m3;
- steel cost = 2 kg;
- food cost = 2 pcs;
- wool cost = 3 ml;
- bread cost = 6 pcs;
- 1 Gold
- 10 workers;
- 10 Energy;

The Winery have 3 lots of Vineyard and you can work in each lot one time/day.
The Wine need 50 days to reach the maturity stage.

The Wine have 5 stages:
-Stage 1 after 10 days after production;
-Stage 2 after 20 days after production;
-Stage 3 after 30 days after production;
-Stage 4 after 40 days after production;
-Stage 5 after 50 days after production;

The Wine give you after consumption:
- at stage 1 the Wine give you 20 Energy, 20 Stamina and 20000 more Damage in first Attack or Defense made in Island War or Babylon Competition;
- at stage 2 the Wine give you 20 Energy, 20 Stamina and 40000 more Damage in first Attack or Defense made in Island War or Babylon Competition;
- at stage 3 the Wine give you 20 Energy, 20 Stamina and 60000 more Damage in first Attack or Defense made in Island War or Babylon Competition;
- at stage 4 the Wine give you 20 Energy, 20 Stamina and 80000 more Damage in first Attack or Defense made in Island War or Babylon Competition;
- at stage 5 the Wine give you 20 Energy, 20 Stamina and 100000 more Damage in first Attack or Defense made in Island War or Babylon Competition;

For each Wine Carafe used the Arena Found will be increased with 100 Gold.

Commercialization of Winery goods:
- we can sell Grapes immediately after production.
- the Wine can be sold only after 10 days when have gained stage 1.

Winery will be available for all users.
We advice to start to use Winery module and produce Wine when you have minimum 10000 Gold to invest in stocks.

In short time will be available also a video with this activity.

We hope to enjoy this new module and help us to adjust for a good motion.

Best Regards,
Hamllet Team

New Proof. Thanh toán qua Skrill. Good luck!


Aug 28, 2015
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"John Snow & recipe for success ...

I do not know if there is something, but I can tell how I do me and how I had results so far, namely 1000 Euro ready to remove, 3rd hero in the game, Castle 9 buildings at 7 and 8, owner of the island with strong and active people, master over 15 other islands and 1400 shares for good times.

The first step investors.

Already with a solid experience in such games I realized that you can not sit and do nothing if you click with the hope that in six months to remove 20 euros without investment. And my investment was consistent in several stages around 2000-2500 Euro.


Infrastructure must be developed in every area of the foundation to further developments. So I upgraded to level 5 first castle so I can buy soldiers Q2, and then due to competition, I went to the castle level 9, to be able to purchase Q3 soldiers. This development allows me today to collect resources 94500 / day, producing about 31500 finished products / day. At the rate of sale of 1.5gold / resource yield a profit of at least 15 day's only because I care to collect and work.

Step three. ISLAND.

Few of those in the game have idea of how profitable it can become ruler of the island. With 25 Euro you become master of the island and have many advantages:
-Tax Collected from the members of your island and proceeds to work bonus arena. Note that fees charged are higher as the upgrade of the island is higher, up to 20%;
- You can attack other islands which become Lord and collected 10% of their funds daily.
- You choose which alliances to join in Babylon
I came today to collect 10-15 E daily to the island.

Step four. Referrals.

Since you have this island be populated with up to 30 members who bring you strong revenues. So I did and I succeeded and I tried to bring my strong people who have invested in development in turn, creating the most powerful Hamllet islands. It is an essential step for further development. I think each of us can bring some good users who in turn bring good others forming a team to deliver results. Referral contest that takes place every month is a good opportunity to increase your hero with skils for your referrals work without costing you anything

Step Five. ARMY.

One of the wisest decisions was to invest and reinvest everything we gained in skils for Hero, thus being able to buy my army of increasingly numerous. Army helps in fighting large arena, the capture / defend the islands mastered, and the bigger damage to Babylon where earnings are at least double than the amount invested.
Here are the 5 steps that I managed to create my account gives me solid confidence that soon to have beautiful collections that take me to recover coveted investment and profit. By now, if you put count stake, ready withdrew thousand euro and the several hundred euros from Babylon island and can say that the day is fast approaching 0.
I do not know if it can be considered a recipe for success, maybe others have done otherwise, but may be a way forward to have good results in this project. There would be much to say, but I lengthened enough. It stands by to detail where appropriate.
Succes game and receipts!
Sincerely, John Snow"

Translation and adoption by Hamllet forum.
choi mất nhiều time k bác.

Có đầu tư thì hơi mất thời gian tí, dần dần quen làm nhanh thôi.
Free thì vào ngày 3 lần thu hoạch + work rồi bán trên market, vào babylon fight với work là xong. Mỗi lần chừng 5 phút.

Viết nhanh nhé bác :3

Thằng admin nó đổi nhiều quá, nhiều cái mình chưa biết nên hơi lâu :D Mai xong.

còn ăn ngon k bác ơi,chơi free thì bao giờ mới đủ min đây :(
Vẫn ăn ngon. Chơi free chắc sẽ lâu min vì hiện nay castle trung bình là lv 3-4. Nên bonus cho castle 1 sẽ rất thấp :(


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