cupid: hello
Andrew Bridge: hello
cupid: why my money alway spending withdraw ?
Andrew Bridge: we have some problems
cupid: can you help me ?
Andrew Bridge: will pay ASAP
cupid: what is asap ?
Andrew Bridge: as soon as possipule
cupid: so when my without is completed?
Andrew Bridge is typing...
Andrew Bridge: today or tomorow
cupid: oh
em vừa chat với admin không biết nó nói thiệt hok nữa:binhsua27:
hehe, mai nó mà pay thì vui thật đấy bác ah. em lại tưởng nó lấy lý do dạo này sức khỏe nó yếu phải nhập viện như thằng Riley-Trade này nó gửi cho em.
Dear Investor,
During this time I've been at the hospital with severe health problems.
So I'm very glad to be here now again and get back to the communication with you.
I have to apologize that due to my health problems and due to the fact that at Riley-Trade I'm the only one that has the codes to do the payments and I'm also the only one that personally communicates with every single investor some payments and answers to e-mails have been delayed during this time.
My deepest and most sincere apologies for that fact.
We're changing the internal policy in this company so in the future it doesn't depend so much on me.
During this time a lot of concerns have been shown by a lot of investors.
The first one is the fact that this company accordingly to our rules section not being FDIC insured and also being exempt from the US Securities Act of 1933, the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the US Investment Company Act of 1940 and all other rules, regulations and amendments thereof.
And because of that a lot of investors are worried about the safety of their funds.
To address this issue our staff during the time I was at the hospital contacted several private insurance companies to allow investors to insure their funds.
The best deal we got from the was $10 dollars for every investor that have funds with Riley-Trade up to $500 dollars and $20 dollars for every investor at Riley-Trade that has funds above $500 dollars.
So if you want to insure you funds up to $500 dollars make a deposit on "E.I.-1" (E.I. means External Insurance).
If you want to make an insurance of funds above $500 dollars make a $20 dollars deposit in "E.I.-2".
The data from the insurance company will be e-mailed to you in 48 hours after the payment and the paper mail of the documents will be sent to your home accordingly to the address you gave us in the verification process in 7 days after the payment.
The second concern raised by investors was the fact that we didn't had costumer support by phone. So if you want to have costumer support by phone you have to deposit $5 dollars on "PCS" (which means Phone Costumer Support). By that you will receive a text message by each withdrawal successfully sent to your e-currency account and our call center number within 24 hours after the payment been done.
All this new extras will be available at the bottom of the deposit section under the name we just told.
All delayed payments will also be done within the next 24 hours.
Due to this fact all special plans will also be available for new subscriptions for the next 24 hours.
Once again our deepest apologies,
Yours Sincerely,
John Riley,