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Aug 11, 2014
Mình đã nói không RCB tái đầu tư từ đầu rồi bạn ơi chứ không phải bây giờ. Mình RCB 5% x tiền add funds tương đương 100% khi các bạn mua gói 5$, 80% gói 15$ và 60% gói 25$, 50% gói 45$ rồi bạn ah!
Update: 9/24/15

Hello everyone, I apologize for not having the video update loaded and up for everyone, we got back in phoenix and i've been fighting to shoot the video but load up is slowing things down, so i'm going to write this for now and update everyone via video when connection gets better.

1. First and for most the issue with Payza. We had finished up all reviews with payza as of Tuesday the 15th, On the 16 we deposited funds into our account in order to make up for the fraudulent funds that payza had reversed. We have been waiting for payza to process and add the funds into the account, Payza had told it would take up to 4-6 days. As of today, payza has returned our deposit with no reason for it, we have sent multiple emails and talked with support, to no avail. We have allowed those that would like to transfer all earnings over to the other 2 processor.
As of now this is all we can do till we get a responds from payza. I apologize for the unfortunate turns of events, We have turned off all deposite coming in as well due to this, as we do not know where we are at with payza at the moment.

Please not the Paypal and STP are fully functional and withdraw through those processor are working.

2. Some may noticed that commission earnings can no longer be transferred. This was done to prevent "Bleeding of the program".
Let me explain why this is. Commission Earnings and withdraw is 20% more than earnings from rebate/ earnings withdraw.

Initially Commission and earning rebate where not transferable, but due to the time it was going to take pro script to create the custom feature to allow for earning+commission to purchase, we opened up the transfer for members to move there funds freely, This in turn was a bad mistake, and was allowed to go on for much longer that it was intended.
What this did was due to our no repurchase rule, commission where transferred to earning and where being withdrawn along side earning rebates. In the beginning this was not a big issue but as the program grew it started to reflect withdraws and fund that were available for withdraw.

We have also been seeing a higher number of dispute with both payza and paypal. This is what is happening, an individual would fund there account and we are not talking bout 10-20$ funds, these are high funds.
Commission is earned once they purchased the adpack, then they dispute. Sponsors would get transfer these commission and withdraw.This has cause a significant "bleeding of the program".

We took he action of modifying the commission earnings base on adpack alone, but this has not helped much.
So the reason for the commission not being able to transfer is due to the fact that we need to control the withdraws at this time.

Members are withdrawing way to much, individuals are taking advantage of the no purchase rule and are simply building up there funds and withdrawing every chance they get.

This goes without saying, no plan is perfect, I still believe in the no repurchase rule. as i believe in not holding anyone down and locking individuals funds. but the fact that commission was allowed to be transferred the way it was cause some issue. Keeping the 2 balanced separate would have given a buffer just as a repurchase rule would have done.

So going forward, Commission will not be able to be transferred, Prox is currently adding the feature that will allow for members to use earning+commission to purchase.
Also for the time being commission earnings will not be withdraw able, but instead use to purchase ad packs. Some may not agree with this, but this is what needs to be done for now in order for the program to continue.


I will be honest and transparent with everyone, at the current momement and the path that the "revshare" side of things are going, we will bleed the pool before we even get our public directory out and running.

Like i have been saying from the beginning, Before we started this "revshare" aspect we had a Real business plan, and a project that needed funding to get started, So the revshare was a good idea,

Initially i had considered rev share as more of a crowd funding type aspect that involved "purchasing adpack and viewing ads to qualify for earnings"
And the rev share concept works in that aspect. We build a business that isn't a rev share solely relying on the rev share aspect of constantly relying on getting new members to fund and current members to constantly add funds.

My team and myself have been working our butts off to build this public directory, that will help the members who have placed there funds into checklisting.

I never want to stop members from withdrawing there funds, but there comes a point where there needs to be some control till we can get the public directory up and going.

The honest truth is some may see our vision and some see cheklisting as another Revshare Cash machine type platform, and by all means we cant do much about that, those are the individuals that jump from one program to the next. and we have no problem with that, they have placed there funds in our program and like every other member we must honor earnings we offer.

We will be successful with the public directory i PROMISE EVERYONE that, we have a good management team, sales team, marketing team, developer.

For those that really see our vision with the public directory and not just a "cash machine" that they can build and cash out at their earliest convenience. We/I know who those members in our community are.

And understand that im not here to steal your money, i was in the same position you guys are in now as members. and it sucked when things slow down and stall or fail. but now i also understand what goes into maintaining the the rev share programs, and let me tell you its not easy, on top of what i'm creating with the public directory.

So my only request from our community and i will not ask this in the future, i will leave it up to members in the community to decide, do you want to grow and be successful with Alex and checklisting or do you want to make a couple bucks and go your marry way. Is slow down on the withdraws, allow my team and myself to get our public directory up and running.

I will be up for a couple hours let the questions come...
Quá đã
là sao vậy bạn ?, mình mua 20 gói r , h đợi lấy đủ lại 120$, thì mua thêm 25 gói nữa, vậy là 45 gói phải k ,hay là tách riêng ra ?, thành lại chỉ là 25 gói ?
20 gói là 100$, bạn lấy đủ 120$ thì là 20 gói đó hết hạn rồi.
Giờ 120$ bạn mua đc 24 gói mới, nếu 24 gói hết hạn bạn sẽ có 144$.
Bạn lấy đủ 144$ thì 24 gói hết hạn, nếu mua tiếp thì sẽ đc 28 gói mới :D
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