Cần người gỡ limit paypal

Chẳng có cái gì là ko gỡ được cả, mình nghĩ là nv, nó limit đc thì nó gỡ cho mình đc. Có điều k biết email ntn để tụi nó gỡ limit cho :(

Tài khoản mình lập từ 2008, chẳng bao h đụng đến 2k15 mới sử dụng. Chơi PTC (cụ thể là thằng alaskaclix.com) nó send cho ~2USD xong nó thấy chưa verify nó report lấy lại 2$ và mình bị lock acc. (mẹ kiếp bọn chó)

Lúc đầu chưa bị 180 day nó yêu cầu update thông tin cá nhân và verify tài khoản paypal để được gỡ limit. Do mình dùng máy mac khó thao tác nên có sử dụng máy khác để add thẻ visa, gửi cmt, làm theo yêu cầu của nó thì liền bị limit 180 ngày. Gửi mail support thì nó toàn auto trả lời. Bạn nào giúp mình đc ko T_T

Đây là ảnh:



Dear Do Van Loi,

Thanks for contacting us. Based on your selection, the following FAQs may assist you faster than we can:

A) Why is my PayPal account limited?

B) How do I send you documents to resolve the limitation on my PayPal account?

(Don't worry. These links won't redirect you to another webpage.)

If these do not answer your question, please reply to this email with as much information as possible.

Yours Sincerely,

A) Why is my PayPal account limited?

Your PayPal account may be limited for a number of reasons, including security purposes so we can help protect your account. When your PayPal account is limited, you may not be able to use all the features or functions on your account.
You’ll need to complete some steps to have your account limitation reviewed.
Here's how:
  1. Log in to your Paypal account.
  2. Click on Resolution Centre near the top of the page.
  3. In the “Begin a limitation review” box, you will see a list of steps waiting for your response.
  4. Click Resolve under “Action” column beside each step.
When you’ve completed each step, your account will be reviewed and you’ll receive an email updating you on your account status.

B) How do I send you documents or files to resolve the limitation on my PayPal account?

We highly recommend that you upload your documents or files in the Resolution Centre to resolve your limitation.
Here's how.
  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Resolution Centre.
  3. Click Resolve in the “Action” column of the transaction in question.
  4. Click Upload Files.
  5. Click Browse and select the first file you'd like to attach.
  6. Enter a title for the file.
  7. Select a type of evidence for the file.
  8. Type in a description of your file.
  9. Click Attach this file.
  10. Repeat steps 5 to 9 to attach additional files.
  11. Click Send Files to PayPal to complete your upload.
Here's more information about uploading documents and files to PayPal:
  • Give the file a recognisable and short name.
  • You can provide a description of the file you are sending, up to 100 characters.
  • Information that you upload appears in the “Attachments” box. You can preview the file or delete it from there.
  • You can attach multiple files, up to a total file size of 9,900 kb, using these file formats: gif, jpg, pdf, or png.
Copyright © 1999-2014 PayPal. All rights reserved.
Consumer advisory - PayPal Pte. Ltd. the holder of PayPal's stored value facility, does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Users are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully.

Có làm theo hướng dẫn của nó thì bị litmit 180 day như trên và giờ vào Resolutin Centre thì nó chỉ báo ntn


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