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Eightclix mới gửi email: MULTICLICKERS DETECTED

Dear Members,

EightClix launched 9th January and our growth is one of the biggest growth. We just want to tell you thanks for this.

Weeks ago I was inform by my team that there are Multiclickers on EightClix. Still today before making some payments my team told me these users use multiclickers software have we to pay them even if they cheat and you know what since weeks I tell them everyday yes we pay everybody.
Many of them 'll believe he is completely crazy. I did it to proof that even if there are many people who are cheating in this industry. Myself I 'm honest and when I wake up in the morning I have the courage of watching myself in the mirror.

Every day my team told me the only thing you can do is making restrictions and every day it was nervous discussion where I told them no restriction on EightClix.

However now it's time for me to take a decision because in a long long period these cheaters can be fatal for our great website that's why our developers activated our softwares to do a big cleaning. To give you an example a standard member who use multiclickers software can withdraw 30$ every 5 days without making any deposit on the website and if they make an upgrade we let you imagine the amount they can withdraw everyday with only a little deposit.

The good new is that Eightclix accounts balance are really really fine. For example If Today everybody in the website decide to withdraw all they have in their balance we can pay them immediatly for many days without having only one deposit.

So what ll happen now with EightClix? The story just keep on going with the honest members.

From Today all members who keep on using multiclickers software with any versions 'll immediatly be banned of eightclix wthout any discussion.

All members who are subscribing to EightClix without giving only one e-mail address for only one processor 'll be deleted of eightclix without any discussion.

Payment processors are informed that we are going to do a big cleaning to prevent the survive of EightClix. All members who use multiclickers software and who had making deposit can't make a dispute because we have already provide proof to the payment processors.
Anyway almost Multiclickers have already withdraw 2times or 10 times more than their deposits. Furthermore we have a non-refund policy since the beginning of EightClix in our TOS.

You can believe me I earned a lot of money with PTC websites and with network marketing but sometimes I also lost much money on website where Admin wasn't honest. For instance I lost 6000$ on Clixzor yes of course I was on Clixzor like an upgrade member and I suppose like many of yours Who where of this kinf of websites I lost money.
I compare these cheaters to this kind of Admin and I don't want that trusted members have to pay one day for these members.

All members who use multiclickers software 'll be detected in less than 24 hours if they don't stop to use their software. The members who stop their program from today can keep on using their account.( I estimate that it's still generous of our part) The members who keep on using their software 'll immediatly be banned of EightClix.
If you stop your software and are going to ativate it again in the future our softwares 'll immediatly detect it and you 'll be immediatly banned without any discussion.

I repeat trusted members don't have to pay one day for these cheaters.

Thank you for your comprehension.
Best Regards
@hunterxxi xem eightlix nó có cài gì ko vậy, nó nói thế ghê quá ko dám chạy
Kệ nó, cũng là lừa nhau cả thôi. Mấy cái trang này nó toàn dựng lên để nuôi nhau, lấy của thằng sau trả cho thằng trước. Chả tử tế gì đâu, giết được thì cứ giết, đen thì bị nó phát hiện.


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