<title> Đại Tân || Hoài Thu</title>
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alert(" Không nhất thiết là phải có tình yêu sâu đậm, chỉ cần có chút quan tâm đến nhau, đến khi người đó ra đi thì chỉ cần 1 con đường, 1 bài hát, 1 lời nói vu vơ cũng có thể làm mình nhớ đến họ ")
alert(" Những đó cũng chỉ là kỷ niệm đẹp thôi. vì cuộc đời còn dài lắm và chúng ta còn có rất rất nhiều thứ để nhớ... ")
alert(" Giáng sinh vui vẻ em nhé ^_^ ")
alert(" Anh vẫn luôn bên cạnh em, luôn luôn và sẽ mãi là vậy
var txt="-::- Giáng sinh dù không anh nhưng hãy vui vẻ nhé ^^ !!! :"
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var m3D = function () {
/* ---- private vars ---- */
var diapo = [],
imagesPath = "random/",
camera = {x:0, y:0, z:-650, s:0, fov: 500},
nw = 0,
nh = 0;
/* ==== camera tween methods ==== */
camera.setTarget = function (c0, t1, p) {
if (Math.abs(t1 - c0) > .1) {
camera.s = 1;
camera.p = 0;
camera.d = t1 - c0;
if (p) {
camera.d *= 2;
camera.p = 9;
camera.tween = function (v) {
if (camera.s != 0) {
camera.p += camera.s;
camera[v] += camera.d * camera.p * .01;
if (camera.p == 10) camera.s = -1;
else if (camera.p == 0) camera.s = 0;
return camera.s;
/* ==== diapo constructor ==== */
var Diapo = function (n, img, x, y, z) {
if (img) {
this.url = img.url;
this.title = img.title;
this.color = img.color;
this.isLoaded = false;
if (document.createElement("canvas").getContext) {
/* ---- using canvas in place of images (performance trick) ---- */
this.srcImg = new Image();
this.srcImg.src = imagesPath + img.src;
this.img = document.createElement("canvas");
this.canvas = true;
} else {
/* ---- normal image ---- */
this.img = document.createElement('img');
this.img.src = imagesPath + img.src;
/* ---- on click event ---- */
this.img.onclick = function () {
if (camera.s) return;
if (this.diapo.isLoaded) {
if (this.diapo.urlActive) {
/* ---- jump hyperlink ---- */
top.location.href = this.diapo.url;
} else {
/* ---- target positions ---- */
camera.tz = this.diapo.z - camera.fov;
camera.tx = this.diapo.x;
camera.ty = this.diapo.y;
/* ---- disable previously selected img ---- */
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selected.but.className = "button viewed";
selected.img.className = "";
selected.img.style.cursor = "pointer";
selected.urlActive = false;
urlInfo.style.visibility = "hidden";
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selected = this.diapo;
/* ---- command bar buttons ---- */
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this.but.diapo = this;
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this.but.style.top = Math.round((this.but.offsetHeight * 1.2) * Math.floor(n / 4)) + 'px';
this.but.onclick = this.img.onclick;
imb = this.img;
this.img.diapo = this;
this.zi = 25000;
} else {
/* ---- transparent div ---- */
this.img = document.createElement('div');
this.isLoaded = true;
this.img.className = "fog";
this.w = 300;
this.h = 300;
this.zi = 15000;
/* ---- object variables ---- */
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.css = this.img.style;
/* ==== main 3D animation ==== */
Diapo.prototype.anim = function () {
if (this.isLoaded) {
/* ---- 3D to 2D projection ---- */
var x = this.x - camera.x;
var y = this.y - camera.y;
var z = this.z - camera.z;
if (z < 20) z += 5000;
var p = camera.fov / z;
var w = this.w * p;
var h = this.h * p;
/* ---- HTML rendering ---- */
this.css.left = Math.round(nw + x * p - w * .5) + 'px';
this.css.top = Math.round(nh + y * p - h * .5) + 'px';
this.css.width = Math.round(w) + 'px';
this.css.height = Math.round(h) + 'px';
this.css.zIndex = this.zi - Math.round(z);
} else {
/* ---- image is loaded? ---- */
this.isLoaded = this.loading();
/* ==== onload initialization ==== */
Diapo.prototype.loading = function () {
if ((this.canvas && this.srcImg.complete) || this.img.complete) {
if (this.canvas) {
/* ---- canvas version ---- */
this.w = this.srcImg.width;
this.h = this.srcImg.height;
this.img.width = this.w;
this.img.height = this.h;
var context = this.img.getContext("2d");
context.drawImage(this.srcImg, 0, 0, this.w, this.h);
} else {
/* ---- plain image version ---- */
this.w = this.img.width;
this.h = this.img.height;
/* ---- button loaded ---- */
this.but.className += " loaded";
return true;
return false;
/* ==== screen dimensions ==== */
var resize = function () {
nw = scr.offsetWidth * .5;
nh = scr.offsetHeight * .5;
/* ==== disable interpolation during animation ==== */
var interpolation = function (bicubic) {
var i = 0, o;
while( o = diapo[i++] ) {
if (o.but) {
o.css.msInterpolationMode = bicubic ? 'bicubic' : 'nearest-neighbor'; // makes IE8 happy
o.css.imageRendering = bicubic ? 'optimizeQuality' : 'optimizeSpeed'; // does not really work...
/* ==== init script ==== */
var init = function (data) {
/* ---- containers ---- */
scr = document.getElementById("screen");
bar = document.getElementById("bar");
urlInfo = document.getElementById("urlInfo");
/* ---- loading images ---- */
var i = 0,
n = data.length;
while( o = data[i++] ) {
/* ---- images ---- */
var x = 1000 * ((i % 4) - 1.5);
var y = Math.round(Math.random() * 4000) - 2000;
var z = i * (5000 / n);
diapo.push( new Diapo(i - 1, o, x, y, z));
/* ---- transparent frames ---- */
var k = diapo.length - 1;
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
var x = Math.round(Math.random() * 4000) - 2000;
var y = Math.round(Math.random() * 4000) - 2000;
diapo.push( new Diapo(k, null, x, y, z + 100));
/* ---- start engine ---- */
/* ==== main loop ==== */
var run = function () {
/* ---- x axis move ---- */
if (camera.tx) {
if (!camera.s) camera.setTarget(camera.x, camera.tx);
var m = camera.tween('x');
if (!m) camera.tx = 0;
/* ---- y axis move ---- */
} else if (camera.ty) {
if (!camera.s) camera.setTarget(camera.y, camera.ty);
var m = camera.tween('y');
if (!m) camera.ty = 0;
/* ---- z axis move ---- */
} else if (camera.tz) {
if (!camera.s) camera.setTarget(camera.z, camera.tz);
var m = camera.tween('z');
if (!m) {
/* ---- animation end ---- */
camera.tz = 0;
/* ---- activate hyperlink ---- */
if (selected.url) {
selected.img.style.cursor = "pointer";
selected.urlActive = true;
selected.img.className = "href";
urlInfo.diapo = selected;
urlInfo.onclick = selected.img.onclick;
urlInfo.innerHTML = selected.title || selected.url;
urlInfo.style.visibility = "visible";
urlInfo.style.color = selected.color || "#fff";
urlInfo.style.top = Math.round(selected.img.offsetTop + selected.img.offsetHeight - urlInfo.offsetHeight - 5) + "px";
urlInfo.style.left = Math.round(selected.img.offsetLeft + selected.img.offsetWidth - urlInfo.offsetWidth - 5) + "px";
} else {
selected.img.style.cursor = "default";
/* ---- anim images ---- */
var i = 0, o;
while( o = diapo[i++] ) o.anim();
/* ---- loop ---- */
setTimeout(run, 32);
return {
/* ==== initialize script ==== */
init : init
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<div id="command">
<h1><font color="red"><b>Biệt Danh<hr>Vịt Con</font></h1>
<pre><b><font size=2><font color="yellow">
Name: Hoài Thu
Age: 18
School: IUH
Add: Phan Rang city
Hướng dẫn: Xem bằng
cách click vào
từng ô phía dưới
Ảnh bị lỗi thì
bấm F5 hoặc xem
tiếp ảnh khác </font>
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<div id="urlInfo"></div>
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