Dear Sir,
NetResult Solutions Limited has been granted authority to act on behalf of the Intellectual Property Promotion Association (???IPPA???) and its members with regard to all matters concerning IPPA and its members??? intellectual property rights on the internet including in relation to internet downloading, uploading, and sharing of IPPA and its members??? contents (hereafter referred to as 'The Publisher').
The Publisher has the exclusive right to commercially exploit "CA (??????????????????) : (MIDD-844) ???????????? ??????????????? [2012-02-13] " including, but not limited to, all still images, moving images and other audio/video content.
We have noticed that your website, is displaying and/or offering the The Publisher???s content ??? "CA (??????????????????) : (MIDD-844) ???????????? ??????????????? [2012-02-13] ".
As you have neither sought nor obtained permission from The Publisher to use this content, your present use is an infringement of The Publisher's rights.
Please immediately cease all such infringements on any and all of your web sites, delete from your servers all copies of the infringing material, and confirm to us via email that you have done so.
Nothing in this letter is intended or shall be construed to constitute an express or implied waiver of any of The Publisher's rights or remedies, including any rights or remedies in respect of infringement not explicitly stated, whether current or in the future, all of which are expressly reserved.
I hereby state that The Publisher is the owner of the exclusive rights referenced above and that NetResult is authorised to act on its behalf with respect to internet monitoring and compliance.
On behalf of The Publisher, I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that use of the content in the manner complained of is not authorised by The Publisher, its agents, or the law.
I, Brant Wang, as a representative of NetResult hereby digitally sign this e-mail message under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America with the additional statement under penalty of perjury that the information in the notice is accurate.
Yours faithfully,