có 1 acc reg từ lâu nay đc nó chấp nhận nhưng nó báo ntn là sao :
Congratulations! Your ShrinkOnce account is now active!
Since you are a new member, your payment schedule will be TTL 30. For example, a lead you generate today will be moved from your pending balance to your cash balance in 30 days. You can request a payment at any time you wish. Essentially, if you earn money everyday, you'll basically be paid on a daily and instant basis*
How nice is that?
Don't worry! After we can establish that your account is not risky, you will essentially never have to wait to receive your payments for leads you just generated*
Wondering why? Chew on this: there's a reason why established companies, that have been around for years, don't offer weekly payments to new users. That's a high risk play, and will most likely result in going bankrupt in the long run. It takes about 30 days to do a L1RA (level 1 risk assessment). Here at ShrinkOnce Inc, risk mitigation is our primary concern - which is why we've spent over $100,000 developing and refining our central risk mitigation algorithm.
With our new and proprietary technology, we're able to quickly determine the risk associated with an account in as little as 30 days** So rest assured, any legitimate users will be paid in a timely manner, and any cheaters will quickly have their accounts terminate and their funds forfeited.