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Sep 4, 2015
Hello all.Here are some late night CPI AND CPL BURSTS for today:

INCENT Scene Show Off '18 - CPA *QUEBEC, CANADA* 200/day BURST
INCENT Scene Show Off '18 - CPA CANADA 500/day!!BURST
BURST Freeletics Bodyweight (Android 5.0+) US - Incent 3000/day CR under 50%
Freeletics: Personal Fitness Coach & Body Workouts - DIRECT (Android 5.0+) US - Incent UNCAPPED BURST
Freeletics iOS - Incent BURST 2000/day
Freeletics Android - Incent BURST 2000/day
Hello all.Here's a list below of new offers available to you:

For desktop:
[INCENT] Rewardbee: New Year [desktop] [US] 300/day
Grub hub US 200/day
[INCENT] Rewardbee: New Year [desktop] [US]

For android:
Freeletics: Workout & Fitness - US - Android - CPI - Incent 1400/day
Tata CLiQ: Online Shopping App* (Android 5.0+) US - Incent
Freeletics: Workout & Fitness 2- US - Android - CPI - Incent 2500/day

For ios:
Freeletics: Workout & Fitness 2- US - iOS - CPI - Incent 7000/day
Freeletics: Workout & Fitness - US - iOS - CPI - Incent 1400/day
Freeletics: Workout & Fitness (iPhone, iPad) US - Incent 1200/day

TopAds Support
Hello all.Here's a list of new AMAZING HOT offers available to you:

For desktop:
INCENT Rewardbee: New Year Desktop/Mobile US 1000/day
[INCENT] Reward Bee Survey (New Year Resolution) [desktop] [US] 3000/day
[INCENT] RewardBee - New Year Resolutions [US] 1000/day
Make Survey Money - DOI + Survey Complete | US Incent
INCENT Madden Mobile CPA (Email Submit) US OPEN BUDGET
[INCENT] Reward Bee Survey (New Year Resolution) [desktop] [US] UNCAPPED
Healthy Living - Get Some Free Breakfast Samples - CPL | US Incent 2000/day!!!
INCENT Johnson's Baby Relief Kit CPA (Email Submit) US open budget
Mastercard - $1000 Gift Card - SOI (US)

For android:
FreeCell Solitaire (Android 7.0+) US - Incent 200/day
337 I Smart play - VN - DDL - Incent android
Vikings: War of Clans - DE - Android - CPE(Install, Open and Play to level 10) - Incent
Vikings: War of Clans - FR - Android - CPE(Install, Open and Play to level 10) - Incent
countNwin - IN - Android - CPI - Incent

For ios:
Pinyada - US - iOS - CPR - Incent
Magzter - US - iOS - CPE(Install, Open and Signs up for Magzter GOLD subscription) Incent&Non-Incent
Vikings: War of Clans - FR - iOS - CPE(Install, Open and Play to level 10) - Incent
Vikings: War of Clans - DE - iOS - CPE(Install, Open and Play to level 10) - Incent
Freeletics Bodyweight (iPhone 10.0+) US - Incent 500/day

TopAds Support
Hello all.Here's a list of new offers available to you:

For desktop:
[INCENT] Gerber Baby Food CPA (Email Submit) US 400/day
INCENT Gerber Baby Food CPA (Email Submit) US 300/day
[INCENT] Cheap Auto Insurance Zip Submit
INCENT Gerber Baby Food CPA (Email Submit) US 300/day
Walmart $1000 Gift Card - Desktop & Mobile | US Incent
Take a survey v1 DAILY (US) 300/day
Take a survey v2 DAILY (US) 2000/day
Walmart -CPL- (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows phone, BlackBerry, Kindle, Desktop) US - Non incent
Disney Vacation Giftcard -CPL (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows phone, BlackBerry, Kindle, Desktop) US - Non incent
Disney Cruise Gift Card -CPL (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows phone, BlackBerry, Kindle, Desktop) US - Non incent
Newtab Media -CPA (Desktop) US - Non incent
Games-CPA- (Desktop) US - Non incent
Newtab Media -CPA (Desktop) US - Non incent

For Android:
Live Quiz Games App, Trivia & Gaming App for Money (Android 4.1+) IN - Incent
Dainik Bhaskar - Android IN Incentive 500 daily
Live Quiz Games App, Trivia & Gaming App for Money - IN - Android - CPI - Incent 5000/day
Grammarly Keyboard — Type with confidence - US - Android - CPI - Incent 125/day
banco next - BR - Android - CPI - Incent
File Hunt - FR - Android - CPI - Incent - CPI 100/day
Blued - Gay Video Chat & Live Stream - IN - Android - CPI - Incent 100/day
Caliente Sports - MX - Android - CPI - Incent 200/day
Free Music Player - MY - Android - CPI - Incent 250/day
Free Music Player - TH - Android - CPI - Incent 250/day
Data Recharge - IN - Android - CPI - Incent 500/day

For ios:
Caliente Sports (iPhone, iPad) MX - Incent open cap
Caliente Sports (iPhone, iPad) MX - Incent 1300/day
WUNTU CPR INCENT (iPhone 10.3+, iPad 10.3+) GB - Incent
banco next - BR - iOS - CPI - Incent

TopAds Support
Hello all.Here's a new set of offers available to you for today:

For desktop:
[INCENT] Kickstart Your Diet! 500/day
View Beauty - US - Incent 10000/day!!!
[INCENT] Wizard101 - Intl 400/day!!

For android:
BrainBaazi Live (Android 4.1+) IN - Incent
Way2 Way2SMS (Android 4.0+) IN - Incent
PaySense - Instant - Android IN Incentive 300/day
Live Quiz Games App - IN - Android - CPI - Incent 6000/day
Credit mantri - IN - Android - CPI - Incent 3500/day

For ios:
Credit mantri - IN - Android - CPI - Incent 3500/day
Caliente Sports (iPhone, iPad) MX - Incent 1300/day
BullsEye Investors (iPhone 11.0+) CA - Incent

TopAds Support
Hello all.We hope this email finds you well.Here's a list of new offers available to you:

For desktop:
[INCENT] 2019 resolutions 750/day
[INCENT] RewardBee Politics v7 400/day
[INCENT] RewardBee - New Year Resolutions [US] 500/day
US - SweepstakesCentral - $1000 KOHL'S giftcard
Win iPhoneXS (US) (CPL)
Collect 100 Points & Get an iPhone XR (US) (CPL)$200AmazonGiftCard (US) (CPL)
US/UK/AU/CA/NZ/IE - EroticMadness - CPL SOI 20/day CR under 2%

For android:
Finmas Pinjaman (Android 5.1+) ID - Incent 1000/day
Magzter: All Digital - Android SG Incentive 100/day Cr under 50%
2gis - RU - Android - CPI - Incent 200/day
Dailyhunt 2- IN - Android - CPI - Non-Incent (Soft KPI) CR under 3% day 10 RR 30%
Eternal Celestial (Android 4.0+) TH - Incent
Eternal Celestial (Android 4.0+) MY - Incent
Eternal Celestial - Android TH Incentive 500/day

For ios:
Wecation Travel (iPhone 10.0+) AE - Incent
Delimobil – your carsharing (iPhone 9.3+, iPad 9.3+) RU - Incent
МегаФонТВ: фильмы, сериалы, ТВ (iPhone 9.0+, iPad 9.0+) RU - Incent
BullsEye Investors (iPhone 11.0+) CA - Incent

TopAds Support
Hello all.Here's a list of new offers available to you:

For desktop:
[INCENT] Consumer Rewards Center - Target 500/day
[INCENT] Consumer Rewards Center - Amazon 200/day
[INCENT] Scene Show Off '18 - CPA CANADA 200/day
[INCENT] Scene Show Off '18 - CPA CANADA
INCENT Scene Show Off '18 - CPA CANADA 500/day!!BURST
INCENT Scene Show Off '18 - CPA *QUEBEC, CANADA* 1000/day BURST
[INCENT] Mastercard$1000 - US
[INCENT] Panda Research
[INCENT] ShopGala Free Samples Winter
[INCENT] Primerewardz Family Dollar US 50/day
[INCENT] US - SweepstakesCentral - $1000 KOHL'S giftcard [desktop] [US] 500/day
[INCENT] US - SweepstakesCentral - $1000 KOHL'S giftcard [desktop] [US] 300/day
[INCENT] US - SweepstakesCentral - $1000 KOHL'S giftcard [desktop] [US] 100/day

For android:
miData Android CPE - MX - Incent OK
PaisaBazaar Free Credit Score - IN - Android - CPI - Incent

TopAds Support
Hello all.Here's a list of new offers available to you:

For desktop:
[INCENT] Amazon $1000 Gift Card - Sweepstakes (US) 100/day
[INCENT] Walmart $1000 Gift Card - Sweepstakes (US) 200/day
[INCENT] RewardBee US (13) [desktop] [US] 2500/day
RewardBee US 250/day
[INCENT] RewardBee NewYearResolution 200/day
[INCENT] Atkins v2 500/day
AnastasiaDate (Desktop) US AU CA NZ GB - Non incent
[INCENT] Ebates button [US] [desktop]

For android:
Join Up (Android 8.0+) INTL 181 countries - Incent

TopAds Support
Hello all.Here's a list of new offers available to you:

For desktop:
INCENT - Your Surveys Unlimited Survey Router - US UK CA AU DE FR MX JP ES NL
[INCENT] Research Project: Teens Survey (UK)
[INCENT] TravelAlerts - CA 150/day
S&P - Walmart $1000 Gift Card - Desktop & Mobile | US Incent 200/day
ShopGala - Free Samples - CPL | US Incent 1000/day
Win a Free RCA 4K HDTV through AwesomeSweeps - CPL | US Incent
$100 Valentines Day Gift Card - 1st Page Submit | US Incent
Do you play Fortnite? | US Incent
[INCENT] TravelAlerts - CA 150/day
[INCENT] Research Project: Teens Survey (UK)
S&P - Walmart $1000 Gift Card - Desktop & Mobile | US Incent 100/day
Walmart $1000 Gift Card - Desktop & Mobile | US Incent 500/day
K - Win iPhone XS - CPL (SOI) HOURLY CR under 3%
AU/ US/ CA/ UK/ NZ/ DK /FI/ NO/ IE/ SE- Russian Beauty - CPL SOI (Desktop) HOURLY CR UNDER 3%
US - Health - CPL SOI (Desktop) non incent!!!
[INCENT] Low Income Housing Assistance [US] [desktop] 100/day
OLFA $200AmazonGiftCard CPL (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows phone, BlackBerry, Kindle, Desktop) US - Non incent

For android:
Paytm (Android 4.1+) IN - Incent 1000/day
Dailyhunt (Newshunt) - Latest News, LIVE Cricket (Android 8.0+) IN - Incent 100/day
InboxDollars (Android 8.0+) US - Incent 50/day
Face Signs – US - Android - CPI - Incent
EternalCelestial Android - TH - Incent OK 150/day
EternalCelestial Android - SG - Incent OK 150/day
Mobile Cafe - AE - Android - CPI - Incent 100/day

For ios:
HideNHunt - MultiGeo - iOS - CPI - Incent
Saydl - SA - iOS - CPI - Incent
Nonograms: Griddlers & Puzzles - AU/CA/FR/DE/IT/ES/UK/US - iOS - CPI - Incent
Namshi - SA - IOS - Non incent - CPI HOURLY CR under 3%
SAYDL - iOS SA Incentive 50/day
WUNTU - iOS UK Incentive 50/day
Saydl (CPR) (iPhone, iPad) SA - Incent
Saydl - DIRECT CPR (iPhone 9.0+, iPad 9.0+) SA - Incent
EternalCelestial iOS - SG - Incent OK 150/day
EternalCelestial iOS - TH - Incent OK 150/day
FreeCell Solitaire Card Game (iPhone, iPad) US - Incent

TopAds Support
Hello all.Here's a list of new offers available to you:

For desktop:
INCENT SuperSave Makeup Samples Full Form (Exclusive) Desktop/Mobile US
INCENT Year Supply Of Coke - Email Submit - Desktop/Mobile US
INCENT Gerber Baby Food - Email Submit - Desktop/Mobile US
[INCENT] RewardBee New Years [desktop] [US] 400/day
[INCENT] RewardBee - New Year Resolutions [US] [desktop] 200/day
GrubHub 200/day
INCENT - Your Surveys Unlimited Survey Router - US UK CA AU DE FR MX JP ES NL
[INCENT] RewardBee NewYearResolution [desktop] [US] v2
[INCENT] RewardBee New Years
[INCENT] Ebates button [US]500/day

For android:
MU ORIGIN 2 - SG - Android - CPI - Incent
MU ORIGIN 2 2- SG - Android - CPI - Incent
My Airtel-Recharge, Pay - Android IN Incentive
Eternal Celestial (Android 4.0+) SG - Incent

For ios:
Cdiscount (iPhone 8.0+, iPad 8.0+) FR - Incent 180/day
MU ORIGIN 2 - SG - iOS - CPI - Incent
MU ORIGIN 2 2- SG - iOS - CPI - Incent

TopAds Support


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