Sáng nay vào mail thằng [email protected] nó gửi mail thế này:
Final Information about Zeekler/Zeek Rewards
This message is in reference to the email you submitted to our office concerning Zeek Rewards. As you know, Zeek Rewards was the subject of a lawsuit filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Zeek Rewards closed down around August 17, 2012. Since that time, a United States District Court Judge has appointed a Receiver to collect and catalogue all information pertaining to Zeek Rewards.
This message serves as notification that any further correspondence or inquiries regarding Zeek Rewards should be addressed and directed to the official Receiver, Ken Bell. Mr. Bell has set up a website and an e-mail address for any information regarding Zeek Rewards. We encourage you to visit that website at www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com, and feel free to e-mail the Receiver at [email protected]. The North Carolina Department of Justice email account regarding Zeek Rewards is no longer active.
The receivership website indicates that the Receiver will eventually create a claims process for harmed investors. You are responsible for filing a claim with the Receiver when that process becomes available and making sure the Receiver has all of the information necessary to consider your claim. Any information you submit or have submitted to our office is not a claim. You must re-submit your information to the Receiver. Regrettably, we cannot help you with the claims process.
Finally, scammers often target groups of people who have recently lost money in the hopes of making a profit. We are aware of some groups asking former Zeek members to re-invest money, donate money, and/or provide personal information. Please be extremely cautious about such solicitations and be wary of any promises that sound unrealistic or too good to be true.
Thank you.
Vào http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/ đã có upleat ngày 13-9
nội dung đây:
Ae vào chém đi. Ngu tiếng anh đệt biết gì.
Final Information about Zeekler/Zeek Rewards
This message is in reference to the email you submitted to our office concerning Zeek Rewards. As you know, Zeek Rewards was the subject of a lawsuit filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Zeek Rewards closed down around August 17, 2012. Since that time, a United States District Court Judge has appointed a Receiver to collect and catalogue all information pertaining to Zeek Rewards.
This message serves as notification that any further correspondence or inquiries regarding Zeek Rewards should be addressed and directed to the official Receiver, Ken Bell. Mr. Bell has set up a website and an e-mail address for any information regarding Zeek Rewards. We encourage you to visit that website at www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com, and feel free to e-mail the Receiver at [email protected]. The North Carolina Department of Justice email account regarding Zeek Rewards is no longer active.
The receivership website indicates that the Receiver will eventually create a claims process for harmed investors. You are responsible for filing a claim with the Receiver when that process becomes available and making sure the Receiver has all of the information necessary to consider your claim. Any information you submit or have submitted to our office is not a claim. You must re-submit your information to the Receiver. Regrettably, we cannot help you with the claims process.
Finally, scammers often target groups of people who have recently lost money in the hopes of making a profit. We are aware of some groups asking former Zeek members to re-invest money, donate money, and/or provide personal information. Please be extremely cautious about such solicitations and be wary of any promises that sound unrealistic or too good to be true.
Thank you.
Vào http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/ đã có upleat ngày 13-9
nội dung đây: