Nhận ít pp từ Net mà pp nó thông báo:
XXX just sent you money with PayPal. To help protect you, we're reviewing this payment.
The Payment Review may take up to 24 hours. When we've completed the review, we'll either clear or cancel the payment. If the payment clears: You may proceed to process the order. To know if your item is covered, check the 'Seller Protection' section of the 'Transaction Details' page and ensure that it states 'Eligible'.
You shouldn't provide the item or service purchased until we let you know that the payment has cleared. We'll send you an email when we complete the review or you can check the Transaction History tab of your PayPal account.
IMOBILE TECH LIMITED is a Verified Customer
Thế này có gì nghiêm trọng ko mọi người? Ai có kinh nghiệm vấn đề này cho mình xin ý tư vấn với. Lo quá
XXX just sent you money with PayPal. To help protect you, we're reviewing this payment.
The Payment Review may take up to 24 hours. When we've completed the review, we'll either clear or cancel the payment. If the payment clears: You may proceed to process the order. To know if your item is covered, check the 'Seller Protection' section of the 'Transaction Details' page and ensure that it states 'Eligible'.
You shouldn't provide the item or service purchased until we let you know that the payment has cleared. We'll send you an email when we complete the review or you can check the Transaction History tab of your PayPal account.
IMOBILE TECH LIMITED is a Verified Customer
Thế này có gì nghiêm trọng ko mọi người? Ai có kinh nghiệm vấn đề này cho mình xin ý tư vấn với. Lo quá