Hai luật sư của hãng luật SNR,một trong 25 hãng luật lớn nhất thế giới đứng ra kêu gọi các thành viên ZeekRewards đoàn kết chống lại ”luật rừng” của SEC và đòi hỏi công lý,yêu cầu cho ZeekRewards được hoạt động trở lại.
Glen Colton
Gene Besen
Họ thành lập một Website riêng như bên dưới đây :
Nếu truy cập vào các bạn cũng thấy đối tác NxPay của Zeek cũng đang khóc lóc ở đây :
As you may be aware the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has commenced an investigation into Rex Venture Group, LLC, d/b/a ZEEKREWARDS.COM (“Rex Ventures”) and filed a complaint in U.S. District Court. The investigation and complaint has led to the closing of Rex Ventures. NxSystems Inc. is in no way affiliated with this closing. However, as of August 17, 2012, we have been given a directive from the United States District Court to freeze all assets affiliated with Rex Ventures (Zeek Rewards).
We are in direct contact with the appointed trustee from the United States District Court and are currently pulling reports and reconciling each account. This reconciliation will assist with the investigation and determine all funds that belong to the NxPay account holders versus funds that belonged to Rex Ventures. Due to the court order and during this investigation period you will not have the ability to move any funds in or out of your NxPay account.
We hope to have the reconciliation completed within a couple of weeks.
We ask at this time for your patience and understanding as we are under a direct court order and the task at hand is very large. We will continue with our communication as we have new updates regarding your account and when funds can again be moved. Keep in mind, this reconciliation is our highest priority as well as maintaining communication with the customers.
If you have any questions feel free to contact NxSystems, Inc. In the interim we thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matter.
Best regards,
NxSystems, Inc. Support Department.
Nguồn: http://lenmangkiemtien.com/?p=1560
Glen Colton
Gene Besen
Họ thành lập một Website riêng như bên dưới đây :
Nếu truy cập vào các bạn cũng thấy đối tác NxPay của Zeek cũng đang khóc lóc ở đây :
As you may be aware the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has commenced an investigation into Rex Venture Group, LLC, d/b/a ZEEKREWARDS.COM (“Rex Ventures”) and filed a complaint in U.S. District Court. The investigation and complaint has led to the closing of Rex Ventures. NxSystems Inc. is in no way affiliated with this closing. However, as of August 17, 2012, we have been given a directive from the United States District Court to freeze all assets affiliated with Rex Ventures (Zeek Rewards).
We are in direct contact with the appointed trustee from the United States District Court and are currently pulling reports and reconciling each account. This reconciliation will assist with the investigation and determine all funds that belong to the NxPay account holders versus funds that belonged to Rex Ventures. Due to the court order and during this investigation period you will not have the ability to move any funds in or out of your NxPay account.
We hope to have the reconciliation completed within a couple of weeks.
We ask at this time for your patience and understanding as we are under a direct court order and the task at hand is very large. We will continue with our communication as we have new updates regarding your account and when funds can again be moved. Keep in mind, this reconciliation is our highest priority as well as maintaining communication with the customers.
If you have any questions feel free to contact NxSystems, Inc. In the interim we thank you for your patience and cooperation in this matter.
Best regards,
NxSystems, Inc. Support Department.
Nguồn: http://lenmangkiemtien.com/?p=1560
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