:binhsua04: ta thấy rõ ràng nè
Lúc đầu là câu này:
"Going to take down the website soon due to hacking and DDOS attack. Thanks for your support. Please send request and get payment today. "
Chừng 30s thì là câu này:
"0/11/2012 : Minimum payout of 2$ not reached till Nov 9th so payment not send
Going to take down the website soon due to hacking and DDOS attack. Thanks for your support. Please send request and get payment today.
We will not come online again.
Please use fasttypers.org, this server is fast. We are worst"
cũng có thấy cái ý nó bảo chuyern sang làm fasttyper. ko hiểu nó đang nghĩ gì mà giờ panel admin trắng xóa rồi