August Update
Dear members i ask you again Are you ready ?? Are you ready? I am Ready !!
Finally we are ready to take off on the 15 of august we will Re-launch as i promised you.
We have been working very hard to comeback with a more solid business model with some very important enhancement to keep us more competitive , complaint and profitable
so if you a serious about making a positive financial impact in your life please pay attention to our Re-Launch.
we will be inviting all leaders to a special training before we launch we will send you the next meassage with the time and date of a webiner in several languages please attend and make notes
As i have already mentioned we will be operating on a fully automated system with many step by step video tutorials to help you understand the business.
Now that the Holidays are comming to an end and every body is getting ready to work i think we have chosen a good time .
i am looking forwards to serve you