Matrix Thảo luận các vấn đề về adsprofit reward

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May 31, 2012
không phải 1 ít chị ơi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :m152::m152::m152:
Nhầm...là một đống :((
Tình hình có vẻ nghiêm trọng rồi. Cập nhật thêm từ skype:

Dearest Members of Adsprofitwiz , I am now abel to give you my official statment of the situtation concerning Adsprofitwiz . Our website has been severly attacked by intruders and Vicious Hackers and Yes they have Hit us so hard. they Entered on our servers.
Fumbled the whole sysem, damaging files, backups and Processors and left us with a mess ! And the first thing that came to my mind was Oh my God! ! we are Down and Dead ! Tears and Anger overcame upone me, could you all imagine what was going through me? I stepped a side …did my prayers and started to calm myself . I called upon my programmers and Leaders to Help me analise the demage .We realsed that not everythig is lost. Nr 1. we have us Nr 2. our Matrix is in good shape and Oder 80% of our Date base is in place as before the attack so we only have to reconstruct the rest 20% this will take some time but with 100% commitment from my programmers and I we will go full speed to put our programm back to Work.Rest Assured I will not let these Dream Thieves Steal our Dreams. We joint togahter to bring value and meaning in the Market Place and in the Lives of many folks as we have build this togather we will have to stick to this Maxim we will never give up !! I want to Extend my Gratitude to Memebers who have stept up to offer their Help and comments lets all keep calm and patience. Please refrain from calling me on phone or skype as this might distrackt me from the concentration needed to bring us up and running ASP. Remember this " if they cant beat us they should join us " God give us strength.
With Love.
Nhầm...là một đống :((
Tình hình có vẻ nghiêm trọng rồi. Cập nhật thêm từ skype:

Dearest Members of Adsprofitwiz , I am now abel to give you my official statment of the situtation concerning Adsprofitwiz . Our website has been severly attacked by intruders and Vicious Hackers and Yes they have Hit us so hard. they Entered on our servers.
Fumbled the whole sysem, damaging files, backups and Processors and left us with a mess ! And the first thing that came to my mind was Oh my God! ! we are Down and Dead ! Tears and Anger overcame upone me, could you all imagine what was going through me? I stepped a side …did my prayers and started to calm myself . I called upon my programmers and Leaders to Help me analise the demage .We realsed that not everythig is lost. Nr 1. we have us Nr 2. our Matrix is in good shape and Oder 80% of our Date base is in place as before the attack so we only have to reconstruct the rest 20% this will take some time but with 100% commitment from my programmers and I we will go full speed to put our programm back to Work.Rest Assured I will not let these Dream Thieves Steal our Dreams. We joint togahter to bring value and meaning in the Market Place and in the Lives of many folks as we have build this togather we will have to stick to this Maxim we will never give up !! I want to Extend my Gratitude to Memebers who have stept up to offer their Help and comments lets all keep calm and patience. Please refrain from calling me on phone or skype as this might distrackt me from the concentration needed to bring us up and running ASP. Remember this " if they cant beat us they should join us " God give us strength.
With Love.

cái này y như cái hôm qua mà chị :m083:
cái này y như cái hôm qua mà chị :m083:
Sr, chị không để ý :) Nhưng ko sao, quote lại cho ai chưa biết cũng được :)
Tụi sp mới không nhiệt tình như bà Barbara.

Ráng hy vọng thêm vài ngày thôi mọi người ơi!

[7/1/2013 8:24:54 PM] umarfarooq3133: i already read this any new update?
[7/1/2013 8:25:03 PM] nagymarosi.laszlo: Patience, we are still working.
[7/1/2013 8:27:23 PM] redflower5141: ok.but how much time
[7/1/2013 8:29:59 PM] nagymarosi.laszlo: I do not know.
They work to soon start page!
[7/1/2013 8:31:29 PM] redflower5141: site will open or yesterday will open?
[7/1/2013 8:32:21 PM] titu_shil: Rajab ali not yesterday will open
[7/1/2013 8:32:37 PM] titu_shil: can be open any time
[7/1/2013 8:32:48 PM] titu_shil: when the problem will be solved
[7/1/2013 8:33:00 PM] titu_shil: we had an attack to the site
[7/1/2013 8:33:12 PM] titu_shil: so need time to solve the problem
[7/1/2013 8:33:34 PM] redflower5141: ok.i know
[7/1/2013 8:33:45 PM] titu_shil: (y)
[7/1/2013 8:59:04 PM] ecbgal: Rajab, that is not a question that can be answered. The repair work is very involved, not time telling.
[7/1/2013 9:27:48 PM] marcia.ribeiro2000: yesterday will not open
can be opened at any time
when the problem will be solved
had an attack site
so need time to solve the problem
okay. know.
The repair job is very involved, is not it time to say.
[7/1/2013 11:25:48 PM] nagymarosi.laszlo: [Monday, July 1, 2013 11:12 PM] Doris von der Ropp:

<<< i am offline - will be back tomorrow to support you

Room skype thả lỏng cho một số thành viên post link câu ref site khác cũng là một vấn đề đáng lưu ý :m083:
Sr, chị không để ý :) Nhưng ko sao, quote lại cho ai chưa biết cũng được :)
Tụi sp mới không nhiệt tình như bà Barbara.

Ráng hy vọng thêm vài ngày thôi mọi người ơi!

[7/1/2013 8:24:54 PM] umarfarooq3133: i already read this any new update?
[7/1/2013 8:25:03 PM] nagymarosi.laszlo: Patience, we are still working.
[7/1/2013 8:27:23 PM] redflower5141: ok.but how much time
[7/1/2013 8:29:59 PM] nagymarosi.laszlo: I do not know.
They work to soon start page!
[7/1/2013 8:31:29 PM] redflower5141: site will open or yesterday will open?
[7/1/2013 8:32:21 PM] titu_shil: Rajab ali not yesterday will open
[7/1/2013 8:32:37 PM] titu_shil: can be open any time
[7/1/2013 8:32:48 PM] titu_shil: when the problem will be solved
[7/1/2013 8:33:00 PM] titu_shil: we had an attack to the site
[7/1/2013 8:33:12 PM] titu_shil: so need time to solve the problem
[7/1/2013 8:33:34 PM] redflower5141: ok.i know
[7/1/2013 8:33:45 PM] titu_shil: (y)
[7/1/2013 8:59:04 PM] ecbgal: Rajab, that is not a question that can be answered. The repair work is very involved, not time telling.
[7/1/2013 9:27:48 PM] marcia.ribeiro2000: yesterday will not open
can be opened at any time
when the problem will be solved
had an attack site
so need time to solve the problem
okay. know.
The repair job is very involved, is not it time to say.
[7/1/2013 11:25:48 PM] nagymarosi.laszlo: [Monday, July 1, 2013 11:12 PM] Doris von der Ropp:

<<< i am offline - will be back tomorrow to support you

Room skype thả lỏng cho một số thành viên post link câu ref site khác cũng là một vấn đề đáng lưu ý :m083:

cả cái hôm qua và cái hôm nay đều có 1 điểm chung là tụi nó cần thời gian để tập trung giải quyết vấn đề chứ không phải phí thời gian trấn an các thành viên nữa! Nếu đã nhất quán như vậy thì hy vọng vẫn còn cơ mà:binhsua11:


Jan 15, 2012
giờ vẫn chưa vào được, chuyến này chắc lên đường thật rồi, nản chơi mmo quá rồi, toàn mất $ :((

từ từ đã, sao phải xoắn. Mmo phải luôn chuẩn bị tinh thần rồi chứ :)
tin vui cho anh em đây
Caros membros, na sexta-feira de manhã vamos

anunciar a data em que estará de volta o site da

adsprofitwiz, agora ainda estamos trabalhando em

todos os códigos e ver quais são os arquivos

danificados da matriz.
É por isso que precisamos de tempo para colocar tudo

em ordem. quando tiver tudo ok o site voltara.
Obrigado pela sua paciência e compreensão.
mariam bello


Apr 11, 2013
tin vui cho anh em đây
Caros membros, na sexta-feira de manhã vamos

anunciar a data em que estará de volta o site da

adsprofitwiz, agora ainda estamos trabalhando em

todos os códigos e ver quais são os arquivos

danificados da matriz.
É por isso que precisamos de tempo para colocar tudo

em ordem. quando tiver tudo ok o site voltara.
Obrigado pela sua paciência e compreensão.
mariam bello

Ko biết là gì dịch giùm cái Eagle ơi
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