Payment, thanks admin!
During the last 12 hours our website was experiencing technical issues and therefore was unavailable for many users. Some of the users still can access it via the original address as it depends on your service provider.These issues appeared because of the problem with the “” domain name.
Data on Whois from 23.04.2020 12:00 GTM.
At the moment, our domain status is “serverHold”. You can learn more about the status here
The DNS zone registrar has set this status.
The exact reason of domain holding is still unknown, yet our company is already working on the problem solution. We’ve contacted the DNS zone registrar and asked to speed up the request consideration process. Usually, it takes up to 24 hours.
To maintain the service work, we’ve enabled access to the temporary mirror site - All your date is saved and completely secured. We’ve just recovered the website's full operability. All account profile features will be available for the users shortly. Despite the DNS zone registrar’s actions, we continue StakedWallet work and development!
If you see problems while using the mobile app, please update it.
Thank you for being with us!