Matrix Risingtraffic - 35$. ROI 112%.Payza,STP,PM,OkPay,Payeer,BTC.

RisingTraffic: Site kiếm tiền miễn phí hoặc đầu tư lợi nhuận 112%
Chính thức hoạt đông vào 23h00 tối ngày 25-06-2015. Hy vọng lần này không lỡ hẹn.


Mar 13, 2015
Sao mình vào risingtraffic thì nó hiện như vậy ?
Last edited:

Launching In 9 Hrs - Approximately 29K+ Members !!!

Rising Traffic is Now On AMAZON SERVER - Best In All Areas & Very Pricey Too!

** During Migration To Amazon Server When You Open Site It Might Have Showed Account Has Been Suspened - No Worries . It is Normal During This Process " Clear Your Browsing Cache & Open The Site "

You Can Fund Now Via - Payza,STP,Perfect Money - & Remember "Paypal" Near To Approval Very Soon After Launch!

Excellent Security Features: Mcafee Enabled After Launch , Comodo Secured, Green Bar SSL Secured!

They Are Going For The Best To stay Longterm!


Fund Via PAYZA,STP & PM Now ** PAYPAL Very Soon NEARER**

- Stay Tuned -
Just 9 HRS To GO!
Dear members
I know many of you are thinking that it's a bad decision to delay the launch , i had to take this hard decision because i don't want to risk losing your trust because of a bad launch . In the past week i worked very hard to make sure that issue that we faced in the previous launch is fixed and have a smooth launch but in the moments some problems occurred that is causing the site to slow down which is not good for RT. As i want to be sure about everything. You people trusted me and i don't want to lose that trust by launching the program with glitches in it. So i request you guys to hang in there , stay with me , trust me on this. I want to make a perfect program that all the community of RT can trust on . A little delay in the launch for a perfect program is better than a launch with issues. In Next 24 hours I will announce our new Launch Day.
Your support has been amazing since the start.
I hope you understand

Dear Seal6

We had some rough times in recent days delaying launch twice at the last moment, the main reason being the no of people present on the site at the same moment being too high. As during the launch on 14th we were a community of almost 15000 and the members doubled on the launch on 24th so the server we choose for the new launch wasn't enough as the member base increased beyond our expectation, so now we are going for a server that will be sufficent for us in the coming time .Plus we are also solving the issues that occured on the very last minute of the launch and making sure that we don't face any problem like this in the future.

We are so thankful to all our members who has supported us from the very beginning and believe in RT. Without you guys this wouldn't have been possible. As for the members who are saying that there funds are not showing up, you can send us an email with all the trasaction details date and time and your member I'D at[email protected]. We will solve them ASAP.

The reason behind the delaying is that we can't risk losing the trust our member's have in RT and we want to give you the perfect launch that Rt community deserve so hang in there as we are almost there.



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