Bác siêng thế , 0.6 cũng cạp à :binhsua08:- 6 acc speed 27 nhé ít code dài .:binhsua07:
- 6 acc speed 27 nhé ít code dài .:binhsua07:
Ăn baned rùi. chia buồn !You are getting plenty of kickouts. You must type images before the timer goes to 0 to avoid kickouts. Your account is now permanently suspended, and will not be unbanned.
Cai nay con` go? gac. gi` dc ko may' pac'
You are getting plenty of kickouts. You must type images before the timer goes to 0 to avoid kickouts. Your account is now permanently suspended, and will not be unbanned.
Cai nay con` go? gac. gi` dc ko may' pac'
lỗi kick out do đánh code ko kịp để bị time out - lỗi này quá đơn giản
giờ này cap rồi hả bác :binhsua03: