We always aim to offer our users the most current and in-demand cryptocurrencies for exchange. Today, we have some exciting news!
We are thrilled to announce the addition of Toncoin to the list of currencies supported on our platform!
Toncoin has shown significant growth and interest from the community, and we are pleased to offer you the opportunity to trade this currency right on our site. Whether you're buying, selling, or exchanging, basex.one is here to meet your Toncoin trading needs.
As always, transaction security remains our top priority. You can be confident in a fast, safe, and efficient exchange on our platform.
Thank you for your continued support and trust. Together, we make the crypto world even more accessible and diverse!
In the meantime, our site already supports 52 currencies and offers more than 2500 exchange routes. And you can always add any cryptocurrency not yet available on our site within 30 minutes simply by messaging us on Telegram.

Toncoin has shown significant growth and interest from the community, and we are pleased to offer you the opportunity to trade this currency right on our site. Whether you're buying, selling, or exchanging, basex.one is here to meet your Toncoin trading needs.

Thank you for your continued support and trust. Together, we make the crypto world even more accessible and diverse!

Basex.one - One Platform, Multiplay Networks.