Hi there-
It has come to our attention that you currently have one or more copyright strikes on your account. We do not allow channels with copyright violations to remain in the network. The good news is there are things you can do about your strikes. First take some time to learn about copyright here:
If you would like to file a counter claim on your copyright strike you can do so here:
It will take about 10 days for your strike to be removed so if you are going to file a counter claim, please do so immediately to ensure that the strikes are removed in time. If you have done so, please contact us
[email protected].
Some notes about filing a counter claim:
-The only correct reason to file a counter claim is if you actually have the right to use the content in questions. Valid reasons for a successful counter claim are: Fair Use, Mistakes in the System, and False Filings.
If you do not wish to file a counter claim, you can eventually get your strikes removed by completing copyright school here:
After completing copyright school your strikes will start to be removed in about 6 months. After the strikes fall off, you can re-apply to join our network.
For RPM support, please log in to Maker Central at
central.makerstudios.com and click on the SUPPORT box to view helpful Knowledge base articles. You may also contact our support team directly from here. If you DON'T have access to Maker Central, please visit
central.makerstudios.com/support.html to submit a help ticket.
-CMS Support