Tutorial Hướng dẫn - Chia sẻ kinh nghiệm làm task CrowdFlower


Sep 10, 2012
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What Auto-Suggest Terms Do You See?

Due to platform restrictions, we have to have duplicate units on the same page. It is okay to answer for the second ten exactly what you answer for the first ten.

Please open a new browser window and go to www.google.com
You will have to go to the google.com webpage; typing the search term into the url/search bar will not give you the suggested terms.
Type "Fisher Investments "(with a space after the two words) into the search field but do not hit enter.
Don't forget the space!
4-10 "suggested terms" appear beneath the google query bar. Record each term or terms after "Fisher Investments" below in the order that they appear.

Only record what comes after "Fisher Investments"; do NOT type "Fisher Investments".

If you get fewer than ten suggestions, do not type anything in the remaining fields. Please leave them blank!
First Search Suggestion
Watch out for typos!
Second Search Suggestion
Third Search Suggestion
Fourth Search Suggestion
Fifth Search Suggestion
Six Search Suggestion
Seventh Search Suggestion
Eighth Search Suggestion
Ninth Search Suggestion
Tenth Search Suggestion

Please open a new browser window and go to www.google.com
You will have to go to the google.com webpage; typing the search term into the url/search bar will not give you the suggested terms.
Type "Fisher Investments "(with a space after the two words) into the search field but do not hit enter.
Don't forget the space!
4-10 "suggested terms" appear beneath the google query bar. Record each term or terms after "Fisher Investments" below in the order that they appear.

Only record what comes after "Fisher Investments"; do NOT type "Fisher Investments".

If you get fewer than ten suggestions, do not type anything in the remaining fields. Please leave them blank!
First Search Suggestion
Watch out for typos!
Second Search Suggestion
Third Search Suggestion
Fourth Search Suggestion
Fifth Search Suggestion
Six Search Suggestion
Seventh Search Suggestion
Eighth Search Suggestion
Ninth Search Suggestion
Tenth Search Suggestion
thím nào chỉ em làm cái này với khó quá
Review and feedback on the text on a website

This task is very straightforward, just follow the steps to search a term and then provide your feedback on a listing.

  1. Open a fresh search window by clicking here
  2. Search this phrase:
  3. Locate the result that looks like this:
  4. Answer the first 3 questions below about that listing.
  5. Click that listing.
  6. Answer the final question.

What position was that search result in?
e.g. 1, 2, etc
What was the text description (in black) under that search listings
You can copy and paste it in
Is that description a good match for the search term?
Select one Yes - it is a good description for that search term No - it is not a good description for that search term It is neither a good nor bad description for that search term
Your personal opinion
In the profile description in the top header, what word follows 'Official'?

ai rãnh giúm mình máy cái anyf với
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  • 0 tasks completed

  • 7 Points per task



Hello! This is a task to be completed with a tablet.

We will ask you to add the mobile bookmarklet to your browser. You only have to do add the bookmarklet once, it will work for every mobile bookmarklet task from then on.


Search for a term on Google using your tablet. Click the result that we specify, then give feedback on the webpage. Results will be used to help reshape current, and create new content.

We Provide

  • A Mobile Bookmarklet to be added to your browser.
  • A Search Term to be entered into a Google search.
  • A Title to help you find the correct webpage in the search results.
  • A Survey for you to fill out giving sentiment on specific pieces of the webpage.

Add the mobile/tablet bookmarklet

Using the Chrome browser:

    1. On your tablet, open Chrome and go to www.yieldtrack.com/mobile_bookmarklet. Follow the instructions there. They will guide you through the process step by step. Don't worry, it's easier than it looks at first sight!

    1. Copy the javascript code on the page.

    1. Go into your browser menu and add the site you're on as a favorite/bookmark.

    1. Change the name of the bookmark to 'YT', so you have an easy short cut.

    1. Paste the code you copied in the beginning into the 'URL' field of the new bookmark.

    1. Tap 'Save'.

  1. Great! Each time you're prompted in the task, you can now activate the bookmarklet by tapping tapping the global search bar, typing 'YT' and selecting the option that starts with 'javascript:'!

For iPad with Safari:

    1. On your iPad, open Safari and go to www.yieldtrack.com/mobile_bookmarklet. Follow the instructions there. They will guide you through the process step by step. Don't worry, it's easier than it looks at first sight!

    1. Copy the javascript code on the page.

    1. Press the center icon at the bottom of the screen.

    1. Select 'bookmark'.

    1. Change the Name of the bookmark to 'YT'.

    1. Press 'done'.

    1. Press the open book at the bottom of the bottom of the screen, second from the right.

    1. Press 'edit' in the bottom right.

    1. Find and select the 'YT' bookmark.

    1. Seect the URL/address field.

    1. Delete the text in the URL field and paste in the code you copied.

    1. Press done.

  1. All set! you can now activate the bookmarklet in your bookmarks by opening them (using the open book at the bottom of the screen) and selecting the bookmark titled 'YT'!


Make sure to follow the more detailed inline instructions in the task as you go. They differ slightly from task to task.

    1. Have your Tablet ready and open your internet browser app.
      Use Safari or Chrome.

    1. Add the Mobile Bookmarklet, if you haven't already. See above for detailed instructions.

    1. Go to yieldtrack.com on your Tablet device and enter the code that was generated for you. This will redirect you to the correct search engine.

    1. Find the search bar at the top of your internet browser:


    1. Search for the term provided below using the Search Bar.

    1. Find the search result matching the search title provided below.

    1. Click on that result to go to the webpage.

    1. Explore that webpage to understand what it's about.

    1. Fill out the survey back on your laptop or desktop computer, giving specific feedback on the webpage.

Thank you for your work!

Personal Computer Actions

Before You Start...
If you do not have the bookmarklet saved on your Tablet device, go to:
...on your mobile device and follow the instructions there.
Click this button
Click this to start the job!

Tablet Device Actions

Open Tablet Device Browser
Open Safari or Chrome on your device
Go To Mobile/Tablet Task Site
On your Tablet device, go to www.yieldtrack.com in the browser window you just opened
Enter Code
In the box provided, enter this code:
Click Orange Button

Go To This Search Engine
If you haven't been redirected, go to google.com in a new browser window.
Find the Search Bar at the top of your tablet browser.


Search Term
Type the following term into the Search Bar at the top of your browser and execute the search:

fisher investments
Personal Computer Actions

Record first result here:
What is the URL of the first search result?
Do not include any advertisements or sponsored results.

Tablet Device Actions

Refine Search
Refine your search by adding the term "MarketMinder" to the end, so your new search term is:

Fisher Investments MarketMinder

Hit enter to execute the search.
Click Bookmarklet
When the google results page has succesfully loaded, CLICK THE BOOKMARKLET.
Instructions for Chrome
Instructions for Safari
Click on the result with this title
Fisher Investments MarketMinder - Financial News and Analysis
Click Bookmarklet
After clicking on the proper result, when the webpage page has succesfully loaded, CLICK THE BOOKMARKLET. Then wait at least the full 30 seconds until the timer expires. Use this time to explore the page and read some of the abstracts.
Instructions for Chrome
Instructions for Safari
No Thanks
If you are presented with a pop-up for a mobile-optimized site, click the 'No Thanks' button to proceed to the actual website. If you do not see this popup, ignore this step.
Explore more
On the MarketMinder site, click on the headline of the first article at the top of the home page. Then complete the survey below.
Personal Computer Actions

Completing The Survey
What is the title of the article?
How many tweets does the article have?
Click on the "Ratings" link. How many total ratings does the article have?
Do you find the ratings useful?

Do you find social media buttons useful for sharing content?

Checkbox for Verification

Check this box to verify you followed the instructions and completed the task as outlined here.

Submit and Continue
Be sure to give yourself a pat on the back for doing such an awesome job!
Lại thêm 1 task hok biết chơi ông nào lam được thì chỉ giáo với


Jul 25, 2011
lâu rồi mới quay lại làm task bạn nào cho mình xin ID được ko. cám ơn nhiều nhiều


Jul 7, 2013
ai giúp mình làm cái này với
muốn tự làm task crowd thì bác phải cần có vốn tiếng Anh có thể đọc và hiểu (google dịch cũng đc), mỗi task đều instruction hướng dẫn rất cụ thể.

Thớt cho hỏi là task trong neobux, mình fake IP để load task thì neobux có suspend acc hok nhỉ
Last edited:
skype của bác là gì vậy
skype minh la Lucifer's Heart
muốn tự làm task crowd thì bác phải cần có vốn tiếng Anh có thể đọc và hiểu (google dịch cũng đc), mỗi task đều instruction hướng dẫn rất cụ thể.

Thớt cho hỏi là task trong neobux, mình fake IP để load task thì neobux có suspend acc hok nhỉ

neobux đó bạn fake thì vẫn vào làm đc bình thường nhưng khi bạn thanh toán tiền nó mới khóa acc bạn
muốn tự làm task crowd thì bác phải cần có vốn tiếng Anh có thể đọc và hiểu (google dịch cũng đc), mỗi task đều instruction hướng dẫn rất cụ thể.

Thớt cho hỏi là task trong neobux, mình fake IP để load task thì neobux có suspend acc hok nhỉ
Hợ hợ , mới bị khóa acc poins4ads :(
ghi Your account is currently marked as "Cheater". If you need any help please feel free to send us an help ticket.
zô thì vẫn zô đc mà nó éo cho zô làm , cũng không cho pay
Đăng ticker cho nó coi nó có thả mình ra không :(


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