I am not the admin or the owner of the project, I don’t know the admin!

Started: Friday, 30 June 2023
Payouts: Instant (minimum withdrawal amount is 1 USDT BEP20, 3 USDT TRC20, 10 USDT ERC20, 5 DOGE and TRX, 0.0002 BTC, 0.02 LTC, 0.005 ETH and BNB, withdrawal fees: 0.0001 BTC, 1 TRX, 1 USDT TRC20, 0.002 ETH, 5 USDT ERC20 and no fees for LTC, DOGE, BNB, USDT BEP20)
Ref-offer 10% - 2%; 2% - 1%; 1% - 0.5%
Technical details (information from ISP and H-Metrics (HyipLogs) resources):
Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin, Dogecoin, USDT TRC-20
Investment plans:
This topic was created for the purpose of information. I am not responsible for your decisions!

Started: Friday, 30 June 2023
Payouts: Instant (minimum withdrawal amount is 1 USDT BEP20, 3 USDT TRC20, 10 USDT ERC20, 5 DOGE and TRX, 0.0002 BTC, 0.02 LTC, 0.005 ETH and BNB, withdrawal fees: 0.0001 BTC, 1 TRX, 1 USDT TRC20, 0.002 ETH, 5 USDT ERC20 and no fees for LTC, DOGE, BNB, USDT BEP20)
Ref-offer 10% - 2%; 2% - 1%; 1% - 0.5%
Technical details (information from ISP and H-Metrics (HyipLogs) resources):
- Domain: NameSilo, LLC, 2023-06-12 - 2024-06-12 (registered for 1 year)
- SSL: Free SSL valid from 27 Jun, 2023 to 25 Sep, 2023 - Let's Encrypt
- Hosting: Ddos - Guard Llc
- IP-address: (live sites on IP: 1)
- Script: not defined
- Similar text HYIPs: 0
- Similar design HYIPs: 0
Earn up to 4.335% hourly on your Crypto on innovative platform that changes the way users think about crypto-trading. Safely, Quickly, 100% Uptime
Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin, Dogecoin, USDT TRC-20
Investment plans:
- $10 - $100000: 4.335% hourly for 24 hours (deposit included)
- $10 - $100000: 106% - 800% after 1 - 28 days

This topic was created for the purpose of information. I am not responsible for your decisions!