Chào các bạn,
Hiện tại mình đang cần tuyển gấp 3 bạn Full Stack Web Developer làm việc tại nhà cho Công ty ở Singapore. Có thể giao tiếp tiếng Anh khá tốt.
Khi ứng tuyển vui lòng gửi CV đầy đủ thông tin và mức lương các bạn mong muốn.
Chân thành cảm ơn nhiều! (Sorry, Ad và Mod nếu bài đăng tuyển có sai box vui lòng giúp mình move đúng box ạ) Cám ơn các bạn rất nhiều!
Full Stack Web Developer
1. Have sound knowledge of multi-page applications
2. Know web framework/s to the core
3. Be able to work with CSS & JS
4. Have experience with working with SQL and NoSQL
5. Expertise in handling model relations well
6. Expertise in implementing advanced SQL queries
7. Know how to deploy to AWS, Linode, or Digital Ocean
8. Should have hands-on experience with Docker and Virtualization
9. Is able to independently design a web application which may feature many coupled components
10. Is able to suggest, as well as implement architectural updates and modification
11. Has expertise in workflow automation tools such as
12. Has sound knowledge of developing hybrid mobile apps with JS
13. Any experience with MERN / MEAN stack
14. Experience with API integration (Hasura,, etc)
15. Experience with JWT/Oauth2
Experience with any of these:
For Frontend
* ReactJS
* VueJS
* ExpressJS
* JQuery
For Backend
* Python
* NodeJs
For Database
* PostgreSQL
* MongoDB
* CouchDB
For Version Control
For Project Management Tools
* Jira
* Trello
* Coda
Hiện tại mình đang cần tuyển gấp 3 bạn Full Stack Web Developer làm việc tại nhà cho Công ty ở Singapore. Có thể giao tiếp tiếng Anh khá tốt.
Khi ứng tuyển vui lòng gửi CV đầy đủ thông tin và mức lương các bạn mong muốn.
Chân thành cảm ơn nhiều! (Sorry, Ad và Mod nếu bài đăng tuyển có sai box vui lòng giúp mình move đúng box ạ) Cám ơn các bạn rất nhiều!

1. Have sound knowledge of multi-page applications
2. Know web framework/s to the core
3. Be able to work with CSS & JS
4. Have experience with working with SQL and NoSQL
5. Expertise in handling model relations well
6. Expertise in implementing advanced SQL queries
7. Know how to deploy to AWS, Linode, or Digital Ocean
8. Should have hands-on experience with Docker and Virtualization
9. Is able to independently design a web application which may feature many coupled components
10. Is able to suggest, as well as implement architectural updates and modification
11. Has expertise in workflow automation tools such as
12. Has sound knowledge of developing hybrid mobile apps with JS
13. Any experience with MERN / MEAN stack
14. Experience with API integration (Hasura,, etc)
15. Experience with JWT/Oauth2
Experience with any of these:
For Frontend
* ReactJS
* VueJS
* ExpressJS
* JQuery
For Backend
* Python
* NodeJs
For Database
* PostgreSQL
* MongoDB
* CouchDB
For Version Control
For Project Management Tools
* Jira
* Trello
* Coda