Giá Bitcoin lại giảm đột biến, nhiều cụ vẫn lời khủng, nhiều cụ lại lỗ to

Mar 26, 2011
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có bitcoin gold trong bittrex rùi bà con ạ
trong phút lên sàn đầu tiên em nó có giá 1 BTG = 1 BTC
giờ thì hạ xuống 1 BTG = 0,312 BTC rùi

BTG ra đời --> nên nhu cầu chuyển BTG sang BTC gia tăng , rùi từ BTC có được từ việc đổi BTG sang sẽ lại được --> usdt -> các loại tiền tệ chính thống về bank nằm cho an tâm (VND, USD, EUR, RUP... ) gia tăng --> BTC bị SML

$30,950,010 USDT was removed from the Tether Treasury wallet on November 19, 2017 and sent to an unauthorized bitcoin address. As Tether is the issuer of the USDT managed asset, we will not redeem any of the stolen tokens, and we are in the process of attempting token recovery to prevent them from entering the broader ecosystem. The attacker is holding funds in the following address: 16tg2RJuEPtZooy18Wxn2me2RhUdC94N7r. If you receive any USDT tokens from the above address, or from any downstream address that receives these tokens, do not accept them, as they have been flagged and will not be redeemable by Tether for USD.
$30,950,010 USDT was removed from the Tether Treasury wallet on November 19, 2017 and sent to an unauthorized bitcoin address. As Tether is the issuer of the USDT managed asset, we will not redeem any of the stolen tokens, and we are in the process of attempting token recovery to prevent them from entering the broader ecosystem. The attacker is holding funds in the following address: 16tg2RJuEPtZooy18Wxn2me2RhUdC94N7r. If you receive any USDT tokens from the above address, or from any downstream address that receives these tokens, do not accept them, as they have been flagged and will not be redeemable by Tether for USD.
ồ bị hắc hẳn 30m cơ à

từ hồi có cái thằng usdt này cũng không choi, fee thì cao mà send cũng mất time bỏ xừ ra


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