Got Paid Factunion -


Nov 6, 2011
Hôm wa rút bị pending, đang đợi
tớ thấy admin của MNO nói trên SB của MNO là amelia admin của factunion đã mail cho Paul (admin của MNO) là đã đóng cửa factunion rồi

FACTUnion was also moved to Problem status on MNO today. Actually it was the admin Amelia who had contacted me first and complained of issues her program was having with AlertPay. As you know, I don’t believe much of what HYIP admins try to feed me on a daily basis, lol. But the fact that FACTUnion‘s admin contacted me first and asked to move her program to Problem status made me think again. So according to her, AlertPay is now “taxing” the weekly profits from HYIPs, and increased the rate from 10% to 50% making it impossible to run the program anymore. I am aware that AlertPay is in a position to do whatever they damn please, but you can’t deny the fact that it’s totally the admin’s responsibility to decide who to do business with. To blame a payment processor for the sudden collapse is less than professional. After all those stories about AlertPay, I wonder why admins use them at all and then pretend that they were not aware of how they behave. In my opinion, if you deal with AlertPay be prepared for consequences that can adversely affect your program. A positive effect can be more investors, but at the risk of them blocking your account with all the money any time AlertPay pleases. So it’s the admin’s responsibility to accept them or not so the excuse from FACTUnion just sounds hollow. I cannot say that the program was run honestly, considering the fact that FACTUnion still accepts deposits from unsuspecting investors. An honest admin would disable this option asap but it looks like it doesn’t bother Amelia all that much. She said it wasn’t her intention to scam, but that’s exactly what she’s doing right now by continuing to steal new members money. Well, it’s up to her conscience but my conscience is clear as I have moved FACTUnion to Problem status already and warn you against investing in this scam.
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