09.09.15 17:06 Receive Received Payment 5.5 USD from account U8128641 to account U9305888. Batch: 101431068. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to caremna from expertinvest.net.
09.09.15 16:06 Receive Received Payment 5.5 USD from account U8128641 to account U9305888. Batch: 101423756. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to caremna from expertinvest.net.
Đã về đủ ly café. Em xin kíu. Ty!
Chúc mọi người hạ cánh an toàn.
09.09.15 16:06 Receive Received Payment 5.5 USD from account U8128641 to account U9305888. Batch: 101423756. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to caremna from expertinvest.net.
Đã về đủ ly café. Em xin kíu. Ty!
Chúc mọi người hạ cánh an toàn.