New system notifications
One Dollar Ticket
The amount invested in this plan for one week will be awarded to the winner
We came to this conclusion while researching the "fairness" of how to find a winner
The formula is :
TRONSCAN is the first blockchain browser in the tron community. It supports multiple login methods and provides a complete browsing and search experience. Experience the tron-ecology in the TRONSCAN blockchain browser.TRONSCAN是首款社区型波场区块链浏览器,它支持多种登录方式,提供完善的浏览和查找体验。体验波场生态尽在TRONSCAN波场区块链浏览器。
Get the latest "transaction HASH value" from tronscan
For example
Convert this value to ASCII code (Letters->Numbers)
"50 101 51 53 48 52 102 50 49 57 101 50 97 52 56 54 56 55 57 102 97 50 57 54 54 52 56 50 100 97 55 97 52 49 102 49 51 99 51 53 57 100 52 54 98 98 55 97 98 49 56 57 56 54 101 98 102 55 48 97 53 56 56 100"
This is regarded as one number and the default "log2" is covered
Result: 457.4290032387723
Get the last 4 numbers.
If we substitute the time format (up to 60 minutes: 60 seconds)
The following values are displayed
So the winner is the person who bought the "one dollar ticket" at 17:23
Let's check your ticket number
The minutes and seconds are your "one dollar ticket number"
In this case, "41:53" would be your the number