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Từ ngày 02 - 12 - 2016 đến ngày 04 - 12 - 2016 tới đây DasCoin sẽ chính thức mở chức năng Binary Tree để các Leader xếp nhánh cho TEAM của mình. Vì thế các anh chị, anh em Leader lưu ý nhé!

Những ai tham gia DasCoin từ bây giờ chính là Top những người đầu tiên ở Việt Nam. Và nằm trong TEAM mạnh nhất trên thế giới. Chỉ với 100 Euro để tham gia, tại sao không ?
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Sắp có một số thay đổi rất lớn với Dascoin trong thời gian từ ngày 03-12-2016 đến ngày 14-01-2017 những ai đã mua gói bản quyền tham gia Dascoin tập trung cao độ nhé!
Hello Everyone!

Another important update: We have decided to extend Binary Weekend for 48 more hours due to various issues related to the database migration and the confirmation of placements. The new deadline for binary placements is Tuesday, December 6th at midnight. This will give everyone ample time to make their binary placements.

It's important to convey that these problems were caused by the internal change from the legacy CoinLeaders database (which was developed by our contracted software partner) to the new NetLeaders database. The NetLeaders database that we are migrating to has been developed by our in-house development team and will provide tremendous speed and performance.

Another important note: Anyone who was sponsored from Saturday, Dec. 3rd at 12:00am or later will NOT appear in the CoinLeaders binary holding tank. A number of tickets have been entered seeking new accounts to be put on their binary holding tank list, but these accounts came after the Friday, Dec. 2nd deadline. Those accounts will appear in the NetLeaders holding tank upon its launch.

Finally, by extending the deadline on the binary holding tank by 48 hours, the NetLeaders launch date will be affected. We hope to minimize the impact this will have, and will provide an update with exact timing later this week. Because this binary holding tank is in preparation of the launch of NetLeaders you should take this time to place your affiliates otherwise they will be automatically placed by our system prior to launch.

If there are any issues or questions about the binary holding tank process, please contact the CoinLeaders Support Team.

CoinLeaders Team
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Jan 17, 2011
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Từ ngày 02 - 12 - 2016 đến ngày 04 - 12 - 2016 tới đây DasCoin sẽ chính thức mở chức năng Binary Tree để các Leader xếp nhánh cho TEAM của mình. Vì thế các anh chị, anh em Leader lưu ý nhé!

Những ai tham gia DasCoin từ bây giờ chính là Top những người đầu tiên ở Việt Nam. Và nằm trong TEAM mạnh nhất trên thế giới. Chỉ với 100 Euro để tham gia, tại sao không ?
Cái này nó tự động xếp hả a. Em đăng kí theo a 100$ thôi, Chứ em không có ref nào cả.
Hello Everyone,

Thanks for your patience with the holding tank application. You may have noticed that it was offline this evening as we pushed a final update to the software. Because so many users were actively engaged on it, the software fixes we implemented earlier were interfering with the live data and causing new problems. By taking the holding tank application offline for a brief period, we have been able to stabilize it. If you have already made your placement decisions, please be sure to check to make sure that they have been properly confirmed and saved in the system.

It is vitally important that we get everyone's input on their wishes about their binary structures. To ensure that everyone has enough time to make their placement decisions within a stable application, we have decided to extend the holding tank system until Friday, December 9th at midnight Central European Time (CET). Obviously, this extension will end up affecting other dates in our calendar.

We also have made an important decision to ensure a smooth launch of We believe an additional week of testing prior to the release of the website will allow us to optimize user experience. We want everyone to be delighted by our NetLeaders website and believe that the added testing time will ensure this. Consequently, our revised dates in December are as follows: website will remain live until Friday, December 23rd.

The Frequency will remain unchanged until Saturday, December 24th.

Operations will go dark for the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, December 24th and 25th.

NetLeaders will launch on Monday, December 26th.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we make this historic transition from the CoinLeaders affiliate program to the NetLeaders network marketing program. This is a complex transition but we are confident that all of you will be extremely happy with our new marketing platform once it launches.

CoinLeaders Team
Hello Everyone!

Just a quick note to let you know that all has gone smoothly with the testing of the binary holding tank. We know everyone is anxiously awaiting the moment when we turn it on and as a team we start to build out the NetLeaders binary structure in real time.

We will provide a detailed update tomorrow with exact instructions on how the binary app will work and when it will be turned on. We'll also be updating everyone with details about the upcoming Hong Kong event.

Lots of exciting news coming up!


CoinLeaders Team
Hello Everyone!

BINARY UPDATE: Testing is nearly complete, and the binary placement application is readying for launch. Starting tomorrow (Wednesday, December 14th) at 5:00pm CET, the first accounts are scheduled to be activated. Once your account has been placed, you will be able to start placing your directly sponsored affiliates. So you must wait for your account to be placed before you can use the placement application.

INSTRUCTIONS: You will go to your CoinLeaders dashboard, and click on "Launch Binary Tree" button. You will then see your binary tree. If you are placed, you will be able to place your directly-sponsored affiliates. Then, you can notify your affiliates that they are clear to place their directly-sponsored affiliates.

TUTORIAL: There will be a tutorial in the application that will explain how the placements work -- but it is very easy.

DECISIONS ARE FINAL: Once you make your placement choice, you must confirm your decision. Once you confirm, the decision is final -- so you CANNOT change the position (since it is a real-time process). So please pay attention while making your placements!

WEEKLY WEBINAR: We will go over the binary placement process on the CoinLeaders weekly webinar (Wednesday, December 14th). To sign up, please click on the link below:

HONG KONG: Also, on the weekly webinar we will provide details about the upcoming event in Hong Kong on January 14th. Lots of exciting news to share!

CoinLeaders Team
Bảng giá Dascoin hiện tại.

(Ngày 14-01-2017 sẽ chính thức phát hành Coin cho các nhà đầu tư.)
- Gói 100 Euro nhận 588 Coins => 0.17 Euro / 1 Dascoin
- Gói 500 Euro nhận 2942 Coins => 0.17 Euro / 1 Dascoin
- Gói 2000 Euro nhận 12837 Coins => 0.16 Euro / Dascoin
- Gói 5000 Euro nhận 69535 Coins => 0.07 Euro / Dascoin
- Gói 25000 Euro nhận 695 349 Coins => 0.04 Euro / Dascoin

Dascoin sẽ chính thức ra mắt vào ngày 14 tháng 1, 2017. Đây là thời điểm mà các nhà đầu tư sẽ nhận được Coin.
Chương trình sự kiện được tổ chức từ ngày 13 - 15 tháng 1, 2017 tại Island Shangrila Hotel - Hồng Kông. ( Khách sạn hạng sang bậc nhất ở Hồng Kông)
- Ngày 13- 01 - 2017: Tiệc Cocktail
- Ngày 14 - 01 - 2017: Thuyết trình và đào tại về Dascoin
- Ngày 15 - 01 - 2017: Sự kiện đặc biệt cho các Leader
Tất cả các thông tin chính thức sẽ được công bố vào tuần tới

Hello Everyone!

BINARY SUCCESS: Congratulations! It appears that virtually everyone was able to easily and efficiently make their placements on the binary structure. The transition was very smooth and is nearly complete. Everyone did a great job of communicating with their teammates. The binary holding tank will remain active until Friday at midnight when the CoinLeaders site will be going dark for two days. On Monday, December 26th, we will launch the website.

HONG KONG LEADERSHIP EVENT: The next event is scheduled for Hong Kong and will run from Friday, January 13th to Sunday, January 15th. It will be full of valuable content for building your business: lots of presentations by company executives and lots of trainings. Event details will be posted on the new site.

WEEKLY WEBINAR: Please join our weekly webinar, every Wednesday at 4:00pm CET. Sign up using the link below:

Excitement is in the air as we ready for the launch of the site -- less than a week away now!

CoinLeaders Team
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