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Aug 27, 2012
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[TD="class: table, colspan: 2"]Avatar Chat - User Help Section

To find out more about the features included in the Avatar Chat, click an option in the left hand menu.

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[TD]User Help
1) Chat Screen
2) Message Bar
3) Speech Bubbles
4) Chat Avatars
5) Your Inbox
6) Send Mail
7) Friends List
8) Heart Points
9) Thumb Points
10) Star Points
11) Blocked Users
12) Edit Avatar
13) View Map
14) Private Rooms
15) Games Arcade
16) Logout

17) Live Audio
18) Interactions
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[TD]1) Chat Message Screen
This is where all the users chat messages will appear. Additional tabs will appear alongside the 'Local' tab when chatting in private chat windows.

Chat Window Options,

» Reduce Text Size - Click the small 'T' icon to make the text size smaller.
» Enlarge Text Size - Click the big 'T' icon to make the text size bigger.
» Hide Chat Window - Click the underscore '_' icon to hide the chat window (click the 'local' tab to make it re-appear).
» Small Chat Window - Click the double window icon to resize the chat window to small (normal).
» Large Chat Window - Click the single window icon to resize the chat window to large (maximum).

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[TD]2) Message Bar
This is where you type your message to send to other chat users. To send the message either press the 'enter' key on your keyboard or click the green arrow icon.[/TD]

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[TD]3) Speech Bubbles
Any messages you send will also appear in speech bubbles above your avatars head.[/TD]

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[TD]4) Chat Avatars

Edit Profile - All users have their own avatar profiles where they can add upload their own photo (or image) and add a little bit of information about themselves. Click your avatar to edit your profile.

Moving - To move your chat avatar during the game, press the arrow keys (up, down, left & right) on your PC/Mac keyboard.

Interacting - Move your mouse over other users avatars and click the left mouse button to interact with them.


You will then see the following information and a choice of options,

» Heart* - Click the heart icon to send the user a love heart (love).
» Thumbs Up* - Click the thumbs up to send the user a thumbs up (like).
» Star* - Click the star icon to send the user a star (special).
» View Profile - View profile details about the user.
» Private Chat - Chat privately with the user.
» Add To Friends - Add the user to your friends list.
» Send Interaction - Allows you to interact with the other users. Choose between 33 custom interactions (eg. poke, kiss, etc) and even create your own!
» Block User - Block the user from contacting you.

* Also shows all heart, thumbs up and star points a user has been sent by other members.

Member Levels - Each avatars name is assigned a color like so,

Guest/Basic Member - Features may be restricted for members of this level.
VIP Member - Access to all features.
Admin Member - Responsible for monitoring the chat rooms and keeping them safe.[/TD]

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[TD]5) Your Inbox
From time to time you may receive mail from your friends or other members and clicking this icon allows you to access your inbox. You can then read the message and choose to reply or delete it. All messages are saved in your inbox. A number will appear on top of the inbox icon which tells you how many new mails you have received.[/TD]

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[TD]6) Send Mail
This option allows you to send internal mail to your friends and other members. To send a message click the icon then type a friends or another members username, enter your message in the space provided and click the send button.[/TD]

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[TD]7) Your Friends List
Everytime you add a new friend their details will appear in your friends list.


You will then see the following information and a choice of options,

» Friends Name
» Friends Location - Where they are in the game, eg The Club, The Beach, etc
» Online/Offline Status - A blue icon will appear if the user is online. A white icon will appear if the user is offline.
» Join User - Clicking the room icon instantly transports you to the room your friend was last in (or still is).
» Private Chat - Clicking the speech bubble will open a new tab and chat window so you can chat privately (one to one).
» Profile Link - Clicking the magnifying glass will load the users profile page.
» Send Mail - Clicking the mail icon allows you to send mail to your friend.
» Delete Friend - Clicking the bin icon will remove the friend from your friends list.

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[TD]8) Heart Points
This shows how many heart points you have been awarded. When a user left clicks your avatar they can choose to send you a heart. Sending a heart to someone will increase their heart points by 1. The more heart points a user has the more they are loved![/TD]

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[TD]9) Thumb Points
This shows how many thumbs up points you have been awarded. When a user left clicks your avatar they can choose to send you a thumbs up. Sending a thumbs up to someone will increase their thumbs up points by 1. The more thumbs up points a user has the more they are liked![/TD]

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[TD]10) Star Points
This shows how many star points you have been awarded. When a user left clicks your avatar they can choose to send you a star. Sending a star to someone will increase their star points by 1. The more star points a user has the more they are special![/TD]

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[TD]11) Blocked Users
When you choose to ignore/block a user, they will appear in your blocked users list. Any blocked users will not be able to see you, contact you or enter your own private room. To block a user left click on their avatar and click 'block'. To unblock a user click your blocked users icon then click 'remove' next to their username to remove them from your blocked list.[/TD]

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[TD]12) Edit Your Avatar
Clicking this icon will allow you to customise your avatar. You can change your avatars hair, eye color, skin color, top, bottoms, shoes, accessories. In fact you can change whatever you want! Click the 'Randomize' button to auto create an avatar. To save your avatar click the 'save' button.


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[TD]13) View Map
There are many different places (rooms) your avatar can visit. To move your avatar to another room, move your mouse over or near a door, signpost or pathway and a doorway icon will appear. Click the left button on your mouse to change rooms.


Alternatively, you can click the map icon to see a selection of rooms (shown below). Simply click on any room icon to enter that room. To exit the game, click the 'logout' link.


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[TD]14) Private Rooms - There are also many additional private rooms to explore in Avatar Chat. Every user has there own private room which they can fully customise and design to suit their own tastes. You can change the room background, add your own music stream, name your room and even decide whose allowed to enter!


Editing Your Room - Your private room has a room editor that allows you to customise your room. Below is a list of options you will see when clicking the room editor icon in your private room.


» Room Name - Enter your room name.
» Room Access - Allow anyone or friends only to access your private room.
» Background Image Url - The url to where your custom background image is hosted.
» Background Music Url - The url to the web page where your music stream is hosted (eg. radio player for shoutcast stream).
» Avatar Start Posistion - This is where the avatars will first appear when entering your room.

Who Can Access My Room? - This depends on which option you have selected,

» Allow All - This allows anyone to enter your private room.
» Friends Only - Only the users in your friends list can access your own private room (and any friends of your friends too).

Should anyone turn up that you dont want in your private room, the room owner has admin controls and can choose to kick the user out of their private room and back into the public lobby.

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[TD]15) Games Arcade
To play a game, click the icon of the game you want to play.


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[TD]16) Logout
Click this icon to end the game (logout of the game).

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[TD]17) Live Audio (Music Feeds)
All public and private rooms have the ability to play live 24/7 streaming audio via HTML embedded radio players in web pages (eg. shoutcast, windows media player, mp3 playlists, etc). If this feature is enabled, a speaker icon will appear in the top left corner of the room (as shown below). If the room owner (or admin user) has added a live audio/music feed to the room, the music will automatically start playing when you enter the room. Click the speaker image in the top left corner to turn off/on any music stream.



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[TD]18) Interactions
To access this feature, left click any avatar and select the option 'Send Interaction'. You will now be able to send an interaction as shown below.


Choose from up to 33 different interactions to send to other users in the room. If you cant find one you want, you can even write your own![/TD]

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©2013 Powered by Pro Chat Rooms[/TD]
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