Tin gì đây mọi người
Dear members,
There are several upcoming changes ahead that will allow us to solve current tasks and improve efficiency of the project. We have done lots of updates and continue to add new changes to optimize the process of future work.
We ask you to take carefully into consideration the following information if you want to use the application further.
First of all we want to apologize in front of all members that are still pending their account approval. Due to fact that volume of sign ups keeps increasing much more rapidly than our ability to validate entire database we witness a slight backlog processing validity of tokens. We ask you to acknowledge current turnaround with understanding as we spend most of our time and resources trying to resolve this issue instead of changing our present rules. Those, who find such consequences unacceptable and are unable to wait and express some gratitude are kindly asked the leave the project to avoid any possible negative feedback. We encourage aspiration of members to use the software in a decent way and avoid additional sign ups for second periods after their initial 30 day trial has expired. There are businesses of a more importance to us rather than going in circles blocking accounts of cheaters, however this does not mean we shall close our eyes on such activity.
We suggest all members to take advantage of paid threads instead of wasting yours and ours time attempting to fool and modify the script accordingly, all such attempts will be uncovered anyway within time, and as a result your accounts will be blocked. Process of database verification is almost completed and we have witnessed large number of fraudulent accounts that were used to cheat the system by creating multiple trials designated as beneficiaries for referral commissions that are paid to available balance and can be cashed out. We keep logs of all data and are surprised by a naive nature of behavior of members that ask their validation status having over 100's of fake accounts at the same time

Anyways, we wish them success and hope to see among active and honest users in the near future!
Our current version can handle up to 100 threads simultaneously and therefore there is no need to use additional PC to run extra trial thread. Electricity costs and round the clock PC usage doesn't carry any economic benefit of such use. We plan to release new trial version that will build up earnings according to your PC specs, as of now all load is carried on by our network.
All purchased threads run in background mode and don't impact your PC towards critical performance. Our job is to keep the application convenient to use at all times and deliver real profit. Present allocated budget for pre-launch phase is $500,000 and we expect this figure to be enough in order to start realizing the great plans of the project we are all working on together with you. We know how to do it, and most importantly, we know how to do it right.
It's difficult to notice all processes that take place behind the scenes but we want you to understand for sure - we don't intend to fold, and instead, are planning a social network campaign as soon as we provide additional payment methods. There is a great Visa payment solution all would enjoy but we are yet a bit far before this point and don't want to make any announcements regarding our final intentions of providing virtual cards.
Intensive growth is the best result for us however in orders to keep the stats at the present level our technical and support dept have to work non-stop. Our support team requires expansion and if you think you might give us a hand we would be pleased to receive your resume at
[email protected]
It's needless to explain or prove something to those who were born skeptics, the future is already here and in our technocratic age those who are already in the right place and time will receive a great benefit by supporting our project and ideas.
We strongly suggest all members to download and use only the new release of our application. We encourage to purchase threads if you plan to continue using application in the future. Funds that are required to add paid thread return back to you very frequently, normally within 6 weeks, and while we continue to pay referral commissions even for trial threads it's a perfect time to buy a thread now. If you still have any doubts regarding safety of funds we would like to assure you it's just a symbolic amount for us that we charge for thread activation. Become a valuable member by upgrading to more threads today - we are open for business anytime.
Cordially yours,
Digital Generation Team