Cần tuyển ref site supernovaox. Bonus 0.1$ Paypal / 1 ref


Jun 5, 2013
Tình hình là site sắp trở lại. Mail mình mới nhận được:
Hello sotnd1996

Welcome to SNO, the launchpad for the new OX website. We are excited by the future opportunity that we will be offering at launch time, so watch for the big news!
We are very happy to be able to pay 25 cents for each new referral that signs up, as we want as many people to see and interact with the site as we can. We are grateful for the hard work of many of our new members who are helping to spread the word all over the world!
Unfortunately, with great success also comes problems.The 25 cent referral fee has attracted some really fantastic people, but it has also attracted a few that are only interested in trying to exploit the system for a quick financial gain.
We are hard at work trying to rectify this issue, so that only real people, who are bringing real referrals to the SNOwebsite will be rewarded.
All those who are taking shortcuts, using false names and email addresses, or using electronic means to try and cheat the system are being found and deleted from the system.We are also thankful to some of our members who have pointed out some of these issues and let us know who these cheaters are.
You may notice some usernames are being removed from the leaderboard. We want the referral contest to be fair, and will work hard to ensure that the leaderboard shows only true and honest referrers. The SNO Team is also very grateful for the patience all of you have shown. Withdrawal requests have been overwhelming, and they have been slow being fulfilled.Once again, this is due to the few people who are trying to exploit the system, and get something for nothing.

They have all sent multiple requests to withdraw funds that they have not legitimately earned.
We are busy working from the earliest withdrawal requests first, and as we find those of you that have worked hard to promote the SNO website, and have brought real people here to join in the excitement, we will be fulfilling your request.
We have been trying to get to each withdrawal as quickly as we can. You can check the Payout link at the bottom of the SNO website to see that we are paying our real members. Your withdrawal request will be fulfilled as quickly as we can get to it.
Again, the SNO Team is vry grateful for your patience.

Đại loại là site vẫn bonus 0.25$ cho mỗi ref nhưng sẽ ban cheat ref và check trước khi pay


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