tình hình là thế này, thằng scammer hack nick và đi scam exchanger khách quen của mình. Nó send 150 wmz with protect code vào Z mình và
exchanger send tiền cho thằng kia nhưng thằng kia nó ko đưa cho protect code,
nó lại open ticket nên wmz của mình ko thực hiện đc giao dịch nào, đang bị mắc kẹt trong đó.
Support lên wmz thì nó bảo thế này... nhưng mình ko tìm đc chỗ nào điền code để giải quyết vđ.
Bác nào biết help em với..
Đây là đoạn đối thoại support
I do not understand why my account enter this problem,
please restore my account,I need buy sock at vip72.com to work
Thank you
The problem is that his 150 WMZ are in your purse waiting for the protection code
The man who makes me some transaction with note "GIVE ME MY CODE PROTECTION YOU SCRAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!"
From: Z193528824338, [email protected]
Cant you feel ridiculous ? He makes a transaction with protected code, He ask me code. It is so ridiculous.
Please remove all limit in my account, I need buy sock to continue my work.
So please find this operation and enter the protection code3 incorrectly ten times .
Funds will be sent back and the question will be solved
Please tell me how can i find this operation and how to find the protect code3,
I do not know how to do
Operation you might find in your operation history
digit "3" in the "protect code3" is a misprint
After that you do not need to know the protection code to enter it INCORRECTLY .
You can enter anything you want
exchanger send tiền cho thằng kia nhưng thằng kia nó ko đưa cho protect code,
nó lại open ticket nên wmz của mình ko thực hiện đc giao dịch nào, đang bị mắc kẹt trong đó.
Support lên wmz thì nó bảo thế này... nhưng mình ko tìm đc chỗ nào điền code để giải quyết vđ.
Bác nào biết help em với..
Đây là đoạn đối thoại support
I do not understand why my account enter this problem,
please restore my account,I need buy sock at vip72.com to work
Thank you
The problem is that his 150 WMZ are in your purse waiting for the protection code
The man who makes me some transaction with note "GIVE ME MY CODE PROTECTION YOU SCRAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!"
From: Z193528824338, [email protected]
Cant you feel ridiculous ? He makes a transaction with protected code, He ask me code. It is so ridiculous.
Please remove all limit in my account, I need buy sock to continue my work.
So please find this operation and enter the protection code3 incorrectly ten times .
Funds will be sent back and the question will be solved
Please tell me how can i find this operation and how to find the protect code3,
I do not know how to do
Operation you might find in your operation history
digit "3" in the "protect code3" is a misprint
After that you do not need to know the protection code to enter it INCORRECTLY .
You can enter anything you want