Earn up to $0.01 per click
Earn up to $0.01 per referral click
Unlimited direct referrals
Detailed statistics of your referral clicks
Fast payments
Minpay 3$
We accept PayPal, PM
Registered company, SSL, Comodo Secure
Click banner để đăng ký :
Random signup bonus for first 5000 members
You will receive one of bonus listed below:
1) 50 PTC Ads credits
2) 100 PTC Ads credits
3) 200 PTC Ads credits
4) 500 Banner Ads credits
5) 1000 Banner Ads credits
6) 2000 Banner Ads credits
7) $0.10 into Purchase Balance
$0.20 into Purchase Balance
9) $0.05 into Account Balance
10) $0.10 into Account Balance
Earn up to $0.01 per referral click
Unlimited direct referrals
Detailed statistics of your referral clicks
Fast payments
Minpay 3$
We accept PayPal, PM
Registered company, SSL, Comodo Secure
Click banner để đăng ký :
Random signup bonus for first 5000 members
You will receive one of bonus listed below:
1) 50 PTC Ads credits
2) 100 PTC Ads credits
3) 200 PTC Ads credits
4) 500 Banner Ads credits
5) 1000 Banner Ads credits
6) 2000 Banner Ads credits
7) $0.10 into Purchase Balance
9) $0.05 into Account Balance
10) $0.10 into Account Balance
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