I am glad that the launch was smooth. Thanks to all of you for taking part in the launch.
I have already added Hybrid plan and it will launch on April 16, 2015 at 11:30 AM EST. New pay plan is a combo made up of daily earning revenue sharing and straight line cycler. Position price is $10 wherein it will be divided in to 60/40 so $6 for daily revenue sharing position and $4 for straight line cycler position. Repurchase rule for the Hybrid Advertising Plan is 25%. Daily revenue sharing earning is 3% a day for 60 days and cycle out earning in straight line is $8.00 that's 1x2.
I humbly request all the members not only participate in the Hybrid plan but use repurchase balance for buying positions in both the lines and help other positions to cycle out.
For some reason members did not participate in the cycler lines so here is the opportunity to advertise and earn with AFC.
If you have any suggestion or an idea then please dont hesitate to share it with me.
I also request you to join Facebook group and support AFC to grow bigger and bigger.
So lets rock and make Ad For Cycle a successful paying program.