Dear Investor!
Thank you for your interest in Smarter Than Crypto token!
You are getting this email since you registered for the Smarter Than Crypto AirDrop of STCDR tokens.
You have already confirmed your email so we only want to inform you how to request your STCDR tokens as fast delivery.
The original plan was to send you the STCDR tokens when the Airdrop is finished which could still take some time as we are only half way through.
Alternatively you can request fast delivery by sending 0.25 USD from your wallet 0xb9B5B9d9aBDE28366558E1184883ba0b2zzzxxxxx to this ETH wallet address 0xB62D547Ab61d7ED8971fe76C583230E943b882a8
DO NOT USE ANOTHER WALLET ADDRESS THAN 0xb9B5B9d9aBDE28366558E1184883ba0xxxxzzzz TO SEND 0.25 USD.
Here are the details to add STCDR tokens to your wallet:
Token address: 0x8d2da938d6f717eb5d84f68bb0eca7584c8faf2a
Token Symbol: STCDR
Decimals: 8
You can check your STCDR token balance here.
In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Smarter Than Crypto,
[email protected]