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Hot Boy
Feb 18, 2014
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Vừa có 1 vụ 1 thành viên dùng thẻ VISA không chính chủ Dep vào. Nó bắt xác minh nhưng không xác minh được. Đi đời luôn cái Acc.
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Recyclix đang có cuộc thi làm Video nói lên ý tưởng của bạn về công nghệ tái chế rác. Có bạn nào có ý tưởng gì hay thì hãy mạnh dạn gửi về cho Recyclix nhé!
Recyclix cũng thông báo về thời gian mở cửa tham quan 2 nhà máy tái chế ở thủ đô Riga, Latvia

Recyclix is created to be a dynamic and active company, and will continue to hold on to these values. We received amazing feedback and so many great submissions to the first contest, that we would like to announce yet another contest that we encourage you to take part in.
This time it’s a contest for the best video. The aim of the contest is to make a creative, high quality, and innovative video about
Recyclix on one or both of the contest topics. The first topic is about how to use Recyclix—which should be explanatory, easy to understand, and exciting. The second one is about how to attract new partners to Recyclix using our referral program. It should be illustrative, catchy, and engaging. All video submissions should be in common format, either attached to the email or accessible by an online link. You should use your own native language – we will award the best videos in each language and of each category.
The winners will receive a prize of EUR 500 for every best video, and the opportunity for their masterpieces to be featured and used on our website, newsletter, social media, and events. The deadline for submitting the videos is the 2nd of May, 12 a.m.
Every Recycler shall only submit one video, length between 7 and 10 minutes; the video may not yet been uploaded to the internet to be eligible for the contest.
We will be waiting for your submissions at [email protected]. Good luck!
We are also delighted to announce May 2-5, 2016 as the final dates for our Open Days where anyone interested can come to Riga, Latvia and join us o n a tour of our office and facilities there. If you cannot stay for the whole 4 days, you are welcome to choose any 1 or 2 days within this period, as your schedule allows. We will be glad to welcome all of you, your colleagues, partners, and friends to visit us for guided tours and Q&A sessions. All costs associated with the trip are paid by the visitors themselves. If you wish to participate in the Open Days, please send us your name, account ID, and confirmed travel dates and arrangements to [email protected] latest by April 22, 2016 so we can include you in the final guest list.
We thank you for your time and passion with which you are making an invaluable contribution to the development of a green philosophy around the world, ensuring a prosperous future on a cleaner planet, and the growth of the Recyclix community worldwide. Stay tuned for our newsletter to learn about our future expansion plans, website developments, and many more.
One team, one dream. Simply Recyclix.
Be sure to join us on Facebook and spread the word:
All the best,
Dmitry Paladiy
Recyclix CEO
Go Green, Start Recycling, Create Revenue!
Ăn UG của bọn RC ko dễ đâu :D. Nên em mới yên tâm vất tiền đấy, :rolleyes:. Hẹn nửa năm sau quay lại rút.

Khẳng định luôn là không ăn được :D

Recyclix có rất nhiều điều khoản cực kỳ chặt chẽ cũng như hệ thống Anti UG, Anti Cheat mà may ra chỉ có NeoBux làm được điều tương tự.
mình dep bằng visa thì ghi thông tin tài khoản như thế lào để khỏi bị ban
Visa mình chính chủ

Visa thì họ chỉ yêu cầu điền tên, số thẻ, cvv và expired date thôi. Miễn cứ dùng đúng thẻ chính chủ thì ko phải lo. Nếu họ cần xác minh mà cứ có thẻ đưa ra là được :D
mình dep bằng visa thì ghi thông tin tài khoản như thế lào để khỏi bị ban
Visa mình chính chủ

Thẻ chính chủ + trùng thông tin ( Tên hiển thị trên thẻ phải trùng với Last Name + First name trong Recyclix). Ngày tháng năm sinh trong Recyclix + Last Name + First name TRÙNG với CMND !
RC là dự án đầu tư Online DUY NHẤT chấp nhận REFUND (Hoàn trả lại tiền) cho các nhà đầu tư.

This Refund Policy forms an integral part of the Terms of Service of By accepting stipulations and responsibilities as provided for by the Terms of Service, you accept this Refund Policy.

Upon registering an account with Recyclix Sp.z o.o., hereinafter referred to as the Service Provider, will receive your certain data and provide you with the services associated with usage of the Member's Area on the website satisfying and discharging obligations provided for by this Terms of Service.

After topping up your account balance via any of the payment methods available in the Member's area, you will be able to refund this deposit within 48 hours by contacting the support services of the Service Provider or writing a message at [email protected] with the refund request using the form on the website. If necessary, you will need to provide the Service Provider with additional data for the refund. Therewith, you accept that the refund amount will be fewer than the deposit amount by the amount which is necessary for processing payments. More detailed information on the commission fee may be received in writing upon individual inquiry. The deposit will be refunded within 5 days.

You are entitled to canceling your purchase of waste, recycled materials, or granules after topping up your account balance within 48 hours.

In order to cancel the order, you will need to enter your member's area, copy information about the order you would like to cancel from TRANSACTION HISTORY section, and paste this information to the body of the refund request message on If necessary, you will need to provide the Service Provider with additional data for refund. Therewith, you accept that the refund amount will be fewer than the deposit amount by the amount which is necessary for processing payments. More detailed information on the commission fee may be received in writing upon individual inquiry. The deposit will be refunded within 5 days. Status of the cancelled transaction will be updated within 48 hours.

Mind that your transaction will not be canceled and you will not be entitled to receive the refund upon asking for a transaction cancelation after the cancelation term is due.

If you made a purchase of units and would like to cancel your purchase, you will be entitled to do it only within 48 hours after the purchase was processed by contacting the support services of the Service Provider or writing a message at [email protected] with the refund request using the form on the website. If necessary, you will need to provide the Service Provider with additional data for the refund. Therewith, you accept that the refund amount will be fewer than the deposit amount by the amount which is necessary for processing payments. More detailed information on the commission fee may be received in writing upon individual inquiry. The deposit will be refunded within 5 days.

Mind that your purchase will not be cancelled and you will not be entitled to receive the refund upon asking for a purchase cancelation after the cancelation term is due.

Irrespective of the causes of termination of use of the website by you, account balance funds in the form of cash that have not been withdrawn will be refunded solely after you contact the Service Provider in writing, your personal identification, establishment of your rights to use the account and the account funds as well as after deduction of the amount necessary for transaction processing from the positive balance of your account and the amount that you may due to pay to the Service Provider as a debt. Refund terms and the amount of deduction are to be discussed individually in every particular case and depend on the situation.

If you do not use your account for more than 12 months, then it becomes inactive and your account funds will be refunded in compliance with all refunds rules associated with the termination of use of the website.


Aug 4, 2015
ai dùng thẻ visa không chính chủ, thì nạp vào vimo, sau đó, mua btc trên santienao.
xong, chỉ việc dep thôi, quá êm
tiền bẩn cũng dùng cách này rửa lun,
mới học được của 1 bác bên redit
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