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Size / Country* A B C D
1-50 MB €4.00 €2.50 €1.00 €0.50
51-100 MB €7.00 €4.00 €2.00 €1.00
101-450 MB €10.00 €9.00 €5.00 €2.00
451-1000 MB €20.00 €13.00 €9.00 €3.00
1001-2048 MB €30.00 €30.00 €30.00 €30.00
2048+ MB €40.00 €40.00 €40.00 €40.00
How It Works?
- We don't encourage piracy, please do not upload copyrighted files! If you are cought that you've uploaded copyrighted materials your files will be deleted and your account banned.
- We count multiple downloads from the same Ip Address.
- Only completed downloads are counted
- Once you reach the minimum balance of €20.00 you can request payout. The payments are made 2 times per month, on 5th and 25th day of every month.
- Payments are made via PayPal. Alertpay, Webmoney and others will be available soon.
- You must be logged in while uploading to BulletUpload.
- Your uploads must honor our terms of service & respect copyrights.
- You are not allowed to have multiple accounts for which you refer yourself or download from yourself to collect earnings.
- No download restriction for any country - free downloads for everyone are guaranteed.
- Any act of fake downloads and cheating the system for personal benefits will not be tolerated. Any such attempt if found may result in permanent ban of that user/account/ip address.
dang ki:
FiberUpload.com - Easy way to share your files
Size / Country* A B C D
1-50 MB €4.00 €2.50 €1.00 €0.50
51-100 MB €7.00 €4.00 €2.00 €1.00
101-450 MB €10.00 €9.00 €5.00 €2.00
451-1000 MB €20.00 €13.00 €9.00 €3.00
1001-2048 MB €30.00 €30.00 €30.00 €30.00
2048+ MB €40.00 €40.00 €40.00 €40.00
How It Works?
- We don't encourage piracy, please do not upload copyrighted files! If you are cought that you've uploaded copyrighted materials your files will be deleted and your account banned.
- We count multiple downloads from the same Ip Address.
- Only completed downloads are counted
- Once you reach the minimum balance of €20.00 you can request payout. The payments are made 2 times per month, on 5th and 25th day of every month.
- Payments are made via PayPal. Alertpay, Webmoney and others will be available soon.
- You must be logged in while uploading to BulletUpload.
- Your uploads must honor our terms of service & respect copyrights.
- You are not allowed to have multiple accounts for which you refer yourself or download from yourself to collect earnings.
- No download restriction for any country - free downloads for everyone are guaranteed.
- Any act of fake downloads and cheating the system for personal benefits will not be tolerated. Any such attempt if found may result in permanent ban of that user/account/ip address.
dang ki:
FiberUpload.com - Easy way to share your files